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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. i'm a little cautious as the weather here is still very cold at times and i don't want to shock them.
  2. my 50 odd minnows are currently living in a tank at 23 degrees. heater is set so it won't go below 22 for the bristlenoses and cories. once i get the bathtub out the back cleaned out and filled, i will be moving some of my minnows into another tank and slowly decreasing the temp till i have turned the heater off. then they will go out to the tub and i'll start on the next lot my minnows breed fine in the tub at 26 degrees in summer, but won't in a heated tank. i think it has something to do with the temp changes during the day - night - day cycle outside. just be wary that minnows jump when suddenly frightened (so i found out). make sure you keep a lid on the tank
  3. cycling is the establishment of bacteria in your filter and tank that converts ammonia into nitrite into nitrate.
  4. hi eclaire, glad you joined up you will get all the answers you need here. if not, ask more questions
  5. as they was no male in the tank with her when she spawned, theres no chance of them being fertile. i'm lucky. i've had convicts for over a year now and they've never bred. i started with 83 fry (got them at last years auction for $1) i only have 8 left. 1 white and 7 striped. i think the white one is a male, but i really don't have a clue on how to sex them :lol:
  6. was doing the rounds, feeding and turning lights off. got to the last tank, a jebo R338, which lives on the desk. noticed the water level was getting too low, filter was almost out of the water. got a plastic jug and proceeded to top up the tank. i had just filled the jug for the 3rd time (2L jug) to do final amount. got to tank and heard running water. (there is a distinct difference in the sound of a filter running and water running on to carpet) told mark to move "now" as he was sitting at the desk. pulled the plugs instantly on a 6 way box. 3 plugs to the tank, 1 for speakers, a complete computer system and the modem :roll: looks like water had been slowly dripping all day, but no one was home to notice. the filter wool had become so full of gunk that the water was flowing into the overflow outlet, which was blocked by more gunk, so water had nowhere else to go but out through the lid, down the back of the tank, and on to the floor. Lesson learned today: always check on the filter media in the desk tank as it will keep flowing even when its full :lol:
  7. that is my main concern too. obsidian is extremely sharp.
  8. hahaha, your even closer than i thought have fun here and we're all here to assist in any way needed
  9. the eggs take about 5 days to hatch
  10. well, it looks like i only have one left. i have pulled out a couple of little bodies, but not even close to 55, so i think the bigger fish have been sucking them out of the net
  11. Tsarmina

    gay guppies

    what do you mean by courting?? it isn't uncommon for them to flare at each other and compete for a females attention if you don't have enough girls.
  12. ummm, mine never attack that badly. if my males annoy the females too much they'll chase them off, but normally they school together. how many do you have? best kept in a group of 6 or more.
  13. i wouldn't stress over them too much. a couple of weeks ago i saved 300 eggs. 56 of them hatched. i have 4 fry left
  14. mine aren't breeding and i got them at last years auction
  15. if thats the case then i definitely have a good mix. i have 2 batches 2wks apart in age and there are still a lot that are very small. i just thought they weren't growing, but i've got heaps that are big too (from both lots and all over 3mths old)
  16. i have also heard that they will eat plants too :roll:
  17. if i thought they could survive the trip (never shipped fish before) i would
  18. you've seen mine! definitely not hard to breed. mine are hard to stop, so had to separate them
  19. not till they're a little older. they are almost invisible when they first hatch
  20. almost :lol: :lol: anytime
  21. i don't feed my minnow fry. but, if your are setting up a small tank just for them, then use the liquifry 1. its 1 drop for every 4L, so you don't use much. before adding to tank, mix required amount with a little tank water, in a small container, then add. that way you don't get lumps on the bottom.
  22. warm - cold if you have them in a heated tank of their own and slowly turn the heater down. cold - warm put them in a coldwater tank, add heater (set at tank temp) and slowly turn it up.
  23. i didn't try to breed mine. i put 6 adults outside in a bathtub, beginning oct last year. march this year i pulled out 60, incl the adults. they did breed in a tank, but i lost all the fry.
  24. i have kept mine with pearl danios in a jebo 338. currently he is living in tank 2 1/2ft tank with about 50 mountain minnows, 10 cories, an adult male bristlenose and about 100 bristlesnose babies in a couple of weeks the minnows will be going outside, and i'm trying as hard as i can to sell the BN's oh, and there is a breeding net in the tank with 56 cory fry in it too :roll: :lol:
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