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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. mul·tim·e·ter/ˈməltiˌmētər/Noun: An instrument designed to measure electric current, voltage, and usually resistance, typically over several ranges of value. More info »Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster I would think that if there is a problem with the heater leaking juice you would see moisture in it.
  2. It is always hard to diagnose from pictures. Fungal infections are normally opertunistic and will arise after injury or bacterial infection so you could be dealing with more than one problem. Saddleback (mouth fungus) can also look like fungus. I would treat with wunder tonic or furan 2 as it will treat a range of problems. Treat the whole tank.
  3. Welcome and great to see you here NZKA11
  4. You could have both itch and finrot. Best to treat with wunder tonic or Furan2.---Should get whitespot,finrot and secondary fungus if on the way.
  5. Common chain sword (Echinodorus quadricostatus)
  6. My point was that with plants that are not really aquatic, if they are grown emersed then it is an added problem in trying to grow them. The teperature is as well. A grower down here stops selling plants in the winter because the temperature conversion is an added problem again.
  7. If you are lowering the temperature then stop feeding all together as the temperature is required for them to digest food and it will just rot in their guts. Only brumate mature adults.
  8. They are both usually grown emersed commercially so there is the added problem of conversion to submersed as well.
  9. I think you are looking at a bad mix. The RES will eat the gills off the axy and the oranda will be slow enough to get nibbled as well. If the oranda is small enough it will get eaten by the axy before it dies from having no gills.
  10. I think there were others importing marines before reef.
  11. There is usually a good reason why rarely imported fish are rarely imported---funny that.
  12. Nothing to do with Ecan. Up to the Local Authorities and the Department of Health.
  13. There is no chlorine in Christchurch at the moment (may be some localised with earthquake repairs--same with kaiapoi). Chlorine is easier to get rid of than calcium.
  14. You can reduce the lime (hardness) with resins such as zeolite but they exchange calcium for sodium. As above---rainwater is cheaper. Unusual to have iron in solution in alkaline water. The ferrous (soluble) state of iron becomes ferric (virtually insoluble) in alkaline conditions.
  15. If growing plants I set up with potting mix then cover with fine gravel to exclude the occupants from contact with the fertilizers etc. This would depend a bit on the occupants
  16. I haven't seen them for a while but some time ago there were cheap Chinese whitebait for sale. Don't buy the Australin mutton birds (titi) as I don't think they know a titi from a seagull.
  17. The way that tanks are generally constructed, with the front, back and ends sitting on the base, I would think you would be best to put your hands under the base and lift from there.
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