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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I removed them from mine. Even when clean they will reduce output.
  2. What I find a bit strange is that an individual can import a decent sized pail of fish food without the need for registration or certification but a commercial entity has to pay so much extra for all the paper work. The risks (of disease spread,pests or controlled substances) being present is the same in one container as it is in 100 containers.
  3. Saw a flock of sparrows over the park a couple of days ago and one was white. Couldn't get close enough to take a good look but will keep trying.
  4. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  5. Sounds more like a medical problem than mechanical
  6. Looks like mould. May be mouldy food from overfeeding.
  7. alanmin4304

    Hello :)

    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  8. If we are into the theories of the Chicago School of Economics (and our govt seems to be married to the idea) then market forces will magically sort it all out. This could result in retailers importing food themselves, wholesalers selling on trademe or people importing their own. Long live capitalism and free market forces. It may also result in overseas travellers returning home and looking for trenchcoats with waterproof pockets. There is an opening for some enterprising person.
  9. In my experience Rotala Wallichii is one of the more demanding red plants. There is a "redish" variety of Rotala rotundifolia around and also one of the easiest red plants would be Alternanthera reineckii roseafolia which I think is often sold as red hygrophila (a complete misnoma). They will all get redder with high iron and good light of course.
  10. Seawater is also good as a source of salt for treatment and no doubt has a lot more extras than table salt (if fact every soluble thing that has been washed into waterways on its way to the sea). The concentration of iodine is very small.
  11. What people don't seem to understand is that the politicians make the laws--full stop. The beaurocrats are told to inforce it with nothing added to the budget and no extra staff. If they think the law is stupid they cannot change it and if they don't inforce it they are legally liable. A good example is the fencing of swimming pools act where you have to fence a cheap pool from the wharehouse and the fence costs 10 to 20 times what the pool costs and you live next to a river which is unfenced, or you live in the country and your kids walk a mile or so home and play in the water race all the way. Anyone want to explain that to the pool owner? Also you bought the pool because both the river and the water race are not fit to swim in because of runoff from farms.
  12. People love to blame beaurocrats but they forget that they simply administer the laws that the very intelligent politicians create.
  13. There is a guy down here breeding heaps of fish in four foot tanks placed across two foot stands so the only support is two strips of inch box section and an overhang of a foot each side. Lost them twice in the shakes but has since survived a couple of decent shakes by glueing them to the stands. I wouldn't do it myself but it works for him so I have to say it works. It is surprising what some people get away with.
  14. I understand that you have to sit an IQ test to get to parliament (and get less than 30)
  15. I thought the phosphate was no longer in laundry powders and detergents.
  16. Please remember that silly as it might be salamanders are unwanted organisms so when you get the visit from MPI please don't ring me as I will be busy doing something sensible and legal like feeding my Japanese fire bellied newts. The Federation does not wish to be seen to be encouraging illegal activities such as morphing axies.
  17. High phospates will not kill fish but they will encourage algae growth.
  18. You could get a blacker one but you are also looking at temperature sex determination. Why would you want one? A bit boring?
  19. I remember when breeding masked love birds that the blues were actually a green bird with a gene for lack of yellow and I understand that the higher the incubation temperature with leps the less black so therefore the appearance of more yellow. I have also seen frogs with a pink belly but they were dying with chytrid
  20. Algae can be encouraged by an imbalance in nutrients--usually too much phoshate over nitrate and the phoshate generally comes from the food. Another good reason to thaw and rinse your frozen worms.
  21. Snail rid is copper sulphate which some fish are very sensitive to. Most shops down here no longer sell it as they have too many complaints about dead fish.Your snails will hide in the gravel during the day and come out at night. If you want to know how many you have then turn on the lights in the middle of the night.
  22. They are usually OK with the parents or you can seperate them and the parents will breed again.
  23. Ozidation is a chemical reaction, but I meant chemical rather than microbial.
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