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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Sounds like Dactylogyrus or Gyrodactylus (flukes) which can only be identified with a magnifying glass. The latter has four head organs instead of two and only affects the gills so I would suspect Gyrodactylus which has live young rather than eggs and is the easier of the two to treat. A bath of potassium permangenate at 2 parts/million (2mg/litre) for several hours will kill either but you need to siphon the bottom of the tank to remove any that have let go and fallen to the bottom of the tank. Best to treat the whole tank as other fish are probably affected as well. Treatment may kill any plants and probably the mussel as well but not sure about the latter.
  2. Do you think they are light sensitive or just flashlight sensitive?
  3. Welcome and good luck with your fishkeeping.
  4. I use a poly box and a 40 hour heat pad taped to the inside of the lid. Place the bags in upside down so the fish don't get caught in the corners and use oxygen not air. Send overnight. Don't feed for 48 hours before packing.
  5. I have a CO2 diffuser that looks similar and works well. Flow from filter is in the top and out the bottom and CO2 is in the bottom but airhose discharges at the top and is released straight from the hose with no diffuser. You may have restricted the flow with your pipe sizes. mine works well. CO2 is released at the top but is pushed down by filter flow.
  6. I have mine in a holed bucket with potting mix and weighed down with stones. Fine gravel on top to keep the mix in the bucket.
  7. If you only have them in a small container they probably will try to escape. I have had massive cultures of them and they never try to escape.
  8. You might as well get used to it. The cat lobby is far stronger than the lizard lobby so controls on cats are politically unpopular. People seem to accept controls on dogs but not cats.
  9. grindals do better if they are warmer and wetter than whiteworms.
  10. I guess it realy doesn't matter too much what we think. Trademe wll not advertise them and petbus will not carry them. I am waiting for them to ban domestic cats that are let out to roam and kill our native lizards and birds.
  11. Your silica may be sharp and giving an unwanted shave to the julii
  12. Perhaps you should have used the wine bottle.
  13. The theory is that you can't breed them, sell them or bring them in or out of the area but you can keep them until they die of old age. The word that comes to mind is bollocks. In case you are worried it is a very old slang word for a priest.
  14. Restrictions can be put in place by Maf or any Regional council. In the case of north of the Bombay hills and blue tounges the restriction is imposed by the Auckland Regional Council and will cover the area that the ARC covers. I don't know if it applies to other regions as well. The main reason for the restrictions is that they have live young so do no have to have viable conditions to incubate eggs.
  15. In advertising research it has been revealed that with the car adds with half naked women draped over the car most guys remember the add but have no idea what type of car it was. They still make those adverts though.
  16. I have bred heaps of fish over nets like that but never the way you have done it---not a silly idea. I have had the trap the other way up and the fish in it. Thinking outside the square--more room for the fish.
  17. They need heat and light to hatch well. It doesn't realy matter where you get either from. I have used a heater/thermostat in a coke bottle for years without problems.
  18. What is normally used is any silicone that has suitable for aquarium use on the label (contains no antifungals). I use Sellys---it is usually the cheapest.
  19. The pet bus takes two days to get from Auckland to Christchurch and another to get to Dunedin I think (they stay overnight in Christchurch)
  20. I read somewhere that with Java fern, the harder the water, the more light that is required.
  21. For me: perishable goods---if it was OK when it left you the rest is out of your control so their problem. This is why I always pack fish and reptiles well. Fish get oxygen, heat pads and are sent overnight because all of that is under my control as well. The rest is theirs.
  22. I have only sent reptiles,and when one went AWOL for a couple of days they told me they transport fish but not reptiles. I have sent them since labelled as reptiles without problems. Make sure they are sent overnight.
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