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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. We have a relly with aspergers. They say it is mild but he has some very typical characteristics. Like many, he is brilliant with it, but in many ways socially inept. Maths and music are his thing but always get picked on and does not ignore or respond in an acceptable way. Unfortunately we teach lots of things to our kids but not that some kids are different for a number of ways and that it is OK.
  2. I think they were identified as eels by MAF.
  3. It is often not the animal being imported but the disease it might carry that is the problem.
  4. Other than oil the beach is no problem. Such a small amount of salt will do no harm.
  5. Post haste going the other way.
  6. What you need to take care over is that when you buy a tube which is given a certain K rating all the light generated will not be as stated. There will be peaks and these peaks are what realy matters. Some people )eg the Dutch and the marahoochy growers have done a lot of research on what K ratings do what. We have shops here where when you enquire about what type of light is best you get an answer that would be very useful to a person growing da erb---this will grow plants wide and short and this will encourage budding. I have played with some of this info while growing Echinodorus sp emersed and have found that any changes in growing conditions (temperature, type of light and photo period) are about as usefull in encouraging their desire to propagate. I have had many conversations with Bob Ward from Redwood Aquatics who is very experienced at growing plants and has travelled the world to see the conditions many of these plants are growing in when in the wild. He always goes back to the good old days (he is another oldie) When we used to grow these plants successfully with ordinary light bulbs. The type of light in my opinion is frequently over rated but if you feel it is important you need to look at where the peaks are on the tubes you are looking for. In a previous life, when I first started growng plants there was no emersed plants in the shops and I was supplying much of the south Island with plants. The people regarded as the experts in growing plants were the Germans and they used a growlux, a cool white and a tenth of the wattage in incandescent. That is what Bob and I used when we graduated from incandescents. Worked for us both and is a lot cheaper than many lights being pushed at the moment.
  7. I think your idea of a sparge is the best idea. That way you can get good filteration with a good volume of water without creating current. You can get added aeration by discharging the sparge above the water line (can be noisy) ir below the water line. I have done that in a small terrarium with Japasnese fire bellied newts. My discharge is below some driftwood which reduces the flow even more.
  8. monkfish, please add your location to your profile as it helps people to help you if you need it.
  9. Perishable goods. As you say---you have no control over what happens after it leaves your place. I would not refund if it was in good condition when it left your place. I have killed a few fish myself and did nor expect a refund. I put it down to experience. Experience is what we call the mistakes we make and learn from.
  10. How does potassium raise the pH?
  11. Be aware that if you keep fresh water mussels you will be volunteering to watch them slowly starve to death. As stated earlier they are filter feeders and will filter massive volumes of water, far more than you will get in an aquarium. and when they die the polution in your tank will be unbelievable.
  12. A lot of the shops seem to think that club members only breed fish and sell them cheaply to each other which is not the case in my experience.
  13. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  14. I find it a lot easier to culture the whiteworms. You can get a load of worms once you get them going without all the bits you don't want. They don't like the heat of the summer down this way though.
  15. It might be the heat in a tropical aquarium that they don't like.
  16. Not easy to grow in an aquarium in my experience.
  17. Leave the mussels in the river where they might survive if left alone please.
  18. Have sent you a PM with details
  19. You could measure the time it takes to fill a bucket.
  20. I know of one guy down here who is breeding golden australie, Nothobranchius guentheri and golden panchax, but that is not in Auckland.
  21. I would stay away from the mussels as they are taken from the wild, are almost impossible to feed and are more likely to survive in their habitat.
  22. If you are doing daily water changes the meds are not building up which is what those instructions are about. The carbon is to remove the meds at the end of treatment. I would do daily water changes with 1 drop per litre for a week and if it then looks OK, release the fish. Ig nore the carbon ---its best use is on the BBQ.
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