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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. They may be mostly fine, but if you seperate them they will be actually fine
  2. It is a matter of what is socially acceptable. I wasn't that many years ago that much of the population was in to opium in various forms. Soldiers had fags in their ration packs in ww2. At the moment booze is still fashionable but fags are not. The govt is in to private enterprise so they say, but the country would go broke if they banned booze and smokes and people made their own, and the prisons would be empty if they legalised pot. Don't vote, it only encourages them.
  3. I think they should be banned all together. It would encourage smokers to take up gardening. Look how fit the dope smokers get running up the river beds with a bucket of water.
  4. They may be fine if you leave them with the adults but they will be fine if you seperate them.
  5. Have a plastic duck left in the bath when the grandkids went home. Does that count?
  6. Planaria--harmless and usually caused by overfeeding
  7. They are basically a fine filter that uses a semipermiable membrane which is so fine that it needs to be backwashed so getting that sorted would not be easy.
  8. The tuatara on TV the other night was smokin
  9. If the plants are growing fine why do you need more light? Do you have shares in the local power company?
  10. My father spent 6 months on the Wanganella at Deep Cove and missed out on wet money for 3 days. That is what keeps the air clean and the plants growing so well.
  11. You must have stayed there a while to get a day it was not raining.
  12. In my experience baby fish do better on live brine shrimp nuplii than decap. I have used both and use decap as a reserve but fish are more likely to snap at something moving and it is a lot easier to overfeed and have rotting food left with decap. It depends a lot on the type of fish. Decap would be good for bottom feeding scavengers like cories in a bare tank. You pays your money and takes your pick but I would be feeding fighters green water, live brine shrimp nuplii and microworm, then grindals. And I would be feeding the hell out of them along with daily removal of detritus and heaps of water changes. The important time with fighters is the first few weeks. Chat up your nursing friends and score an ex saline drip setup (without the needle) and use that to provide a continuous supply of green water to begin with. Use a pilot light at night just to make sure they are feeding 24/7. Grow the males until they are as good as the imported ones and you are on your way to becoming a betta breeder (scuz the pun)
  13. If you don't put "live fish" all over the parcel they will not know what it is.
  14. alanmin4304


    It must be something to do with Easter. I have had 3 trios of choc australies set up for over a week without one egg.
  15. If you let them roam and they dig up the next door neighbour's garden they could become casserole. Most Local Authorities that have bylaws on poultry will have requirements on the cages they are confined to and I don't know of any that would allow them to roam free. No problem if the neighbours don't complain--- casserole if they do.
  16. I have seen an albino human and that is as blond as.
  17. I have successfully scraped the eggs off with a razor blade and hatched them with an airstone and a touch of meth blue. Fedd bbs and/or microworm from when they are free awimming
  18. alanmin4304

    number 310

    Congrats--instant fish time.
  19. None of the teenagers around today are as good as we were when we were teenagers and the students that are burning couches, throwing bottles at the police and rioting in Dunedin will be the respectable lawyers that will defend them in the future. I think I heard my Grandfather say that. If only kids didn't copy adults maybe the world would be a better place.
  20. What I have done is make up a hose connection that goes on the fawcet and onto a flexible hose with a snap on connector.The connection to the fawcet is not a standard plumbing fixture so you can't get it from a hardware store but from a place selling those rip off filters that make your already safe tap water safe to drink.
  21. The problem that I see is that the kids that are off the rails need to develop self respect and self discipline. You cannot show respect to others if you have no respect for yourself. Something like Outward Bound would probably be more appropriate. My concern is that the army has an ingrained culture of regular and excessive drinking and has one of the highest incidences of spousal abuse of any occupation and to me that does not indicate any level of self discipline or self respect. Mindless obedience has nothing to do with self respect and self discipline. Although completely irrelevant I spent most of my working life as a union delegate.
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