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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Does it look like two sheets of glass with plastic in between when you look at it from the edge or is the glass bottom made from glass with wire netting inside it?
  2. Having kids is actually payback time for how you were when you were a kid. Go on you realy love em heaps.
  3. Grindal worms fit nicely between microworms and whiteworms. If you remove angel eggs they have some considerable difficulty eating them. I used to have eight pairs spawnining all the time and always removed the eggs. You must be feeding them well to have them laying consistantly at 12 days.
  4. By reinforced I take it that it is laminated rather than georgian wired glass. I wouldn't build a tank 500 high from 6mm let alone 6mm laminated.
  5. I understand that they cure by reacting with the moisture in the air and then form a waterproof seal. If this is the case then too much silicone is likely to be not properly cured in the middle. Most people use way too much when making tanks and I think it is no stronger but just looks ugly. Cut the glass accurately and glue glass to glass is the way to go I think.
  6. There is a place in ChCh that should sell you an offcut piece of 10mm glass for about $50/sq metre. I got brand new offcut glass for a 1200 x 450 x 400mm tank plus euro bracing top and bottom for $250. They are cut from offcuts of new glass and kept for fishtank makers. If you want to break the bottom to remove it more easily make the diagonal scours on the bottom but tap the glass from the inside until it breaks on the line (not the outside). Put the bomb sticks in the freezer with a bomb around it. RTV is an adhesive not a filler and I have built heaps of tanks and never used a bomb stick or seen a tank built that way----it must be a north Island thing.
  7. The plant in the front is Echinodorus amazonicus or amazon sword. There is another common amazon sword (Echinodorus bleheri) but it has slightly wider leaves and more stalk before the leaf forms. The plant at the top/rear is Hygrophila corymbosa stricta (also known as H. stricta, temple plant and blue hygrophila). Wen it gets too tall you cut it off above the bottom two leaves and replant it. The stump will often produce two branches and the cutting grows roots so that one becomes three.
  8. No pics--got rid of it years ago. A pain to make make but does make rearing male bettas a heck of a lot easier.
  9. The only reliable dishwasher is an 18 year old Swedish one.
  10. When I was breeding fighters I made a tank within a tank that was divided into smalll sections and had stainless steel mesh on the bottom and to do a water change I lifted the inside tank up and let it go---water change.
  11. I'll say lefty. Left handed and footed but right eyed. Do most things left handed but knife and fork right handed and chopsticks with left or right. Taught it was rude to use them in left hand so learned right and find left naturally easier. Left handed and right eyed is a lot of fun with a shot gun. Lefty-9 Righty-11
  12. They are all gardneri but different colour varients and the aim of the killi club is tio keep those varients pure. They can all be crossed and will have fertile young but the end product will be a load of unknown rubbish.
  13. I like them. Just watch the australe don't get bullied by gardneri---plenty of plant helps I think.
  14. meglight,megaheat,megabucks. Strong light is no real advantage to plants without adequate ferts and available carbon. It is a package.
  15. Builders talk in mm and dressmakers in cm. Makes a difference
  16. alanmin4304


    Not that I am aware of. Don't be tempted to only use part of the treatment because of the expense. It is often best to treat in isolation in a small tank so you don't use so much.
  17. I would go with Ron. I have never used melafix and probably never will. In my opinion Mth blue is a better fungicide than malachite green and it is the bacterial infection that needs to be treated primarily as the fungus is generally secondary. This is a common situation with a wound or finrot.
  18. Methylene blue is good for treating the fungus but it is usually a secondary opportunistic infection after a bacterial problem that will need to be treated with antibiotics.
  19. Your filter is one of the main repositories for the bacteria converting nitrite to nitrate. I therefore only clean filters ever when the flow is becoming restricted and only then clean it enough to restore the flow. It is a biological filter and only works properly when mostly full of gunge.
  20. Like many other talents colour blindness is generally a male thing. My exwife was a dye colour matcher at a clothing factory and used to have some diabolicals with her male boss. My earliest memories of starting school are of being smacked on the hand every time I went to pick up the chalk with my left hand. Inventions arise from these challenges. Calculators were probably invented by a person with discalculia. Hate to think what the problem was that gave birth to computers.
  21. With my external eheim on my turtle tank, sometimes it is only the pipes (intake)that need cleaning.
  22. I have a friend with it but it is only with money and his turn to shout. He is Strain. I didn't see the program but it helps us understand how we are all different and how we need a little tolerance. It would be a boring world if we were all the same. I used to resent all those right handed people out there making scissors upside down so I got blisters. Then I realised that 6/7 of the poulation were not wired correctly and were put here to teach us normal people tolerance, patience and understanding.
  23. Fundulopanchax gardneri (blue) and Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus. The difference is colour. The body of the blue is blue (surprise, surprise) and nigerianus is gold.
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