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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. An old fashioned cure for whitespot was to add a penny or copper wool and remove it when the snails started crawling out of the water as they are more sensitive to copper. The battery works the same way as electro plating copper or any metal but only works in acid conditions
  2. Mouth fungus is actually a bacterial infection so keep an eye on the other fish for any sign of it.
  3. If you are going to treat with copper you would be better to use chelated copper where the copper is used in conjunction with citric acid which slows the toxicity to the fish. Many fish (eg. killies) are very sensitive to copper, even chelated copper.
  4. You could do it now but they will do better on brineshrimp and microworm
  5. Nice fins and markings. Male?
  6. Not good to fall over on as I recall.
  7. 6 mls of 35% formalin/100 litres kills hydra in 24 hours and I am told it will not affect fish or plant. Siphon bottom in 24 hours. It doesn't worry plant but I haven't tried it on fish.
  8. I think the point is that Doc and Maf seem supportive of recreational fishers and therefore the trout and salmon populations because of the power of the recreational fishing lobby. This also applies to some other things like the hunting lobby (deer and ringneck pheasants etc). I took a long time to make salmon farming legal and still can't do it with trout but importing goldfish is banned.
  9. I keep them in half water half land. The land is potting mix with fine gravel on top to keep them out of contact with it and grows a well developed miniature fig. The water has driftwood,fine gravel, cardamine lyrata and Hydrocotyle. I feed them mainly in the water but also some fruit flies.I have a small filter and heater in the water but have now turned the heater off as I read they like it cool. I am hoping they will breed next year when about 2 years old.
  10. Not sure on price but I have seen them around.
  11. I remember many years ago my brother walked one of the West Coast tracks and came home with a heap of native snail shells. He found them in a pile at the foot of a fence post and assumed they had been dropped there by a feasting Kea. They were nice looking shells and huge. I think they are carnivors aren't they?
  12. They will do best in a bare tank so they can get at the food.
  13. I would feed them brine shrimp (newly hatched nuplii or decapsulated) and/or microworm for a while yet.
  14. I thought they were an unwanted organism
  15. What do you use to get enough light on a nono like that?
  16. Anything alive that will fit in their mouth. Daphnia, mossies, fruitfly
  17. I think that is the problem. It is all about the power of lobby groups and recreational fishers have a lot more say (and always have) than us. Overseas fish keepers can be a very powerful lobby. In Australia all hell let loose when they talked about extending quarantine etc. Here they just extended and there were only a few squeeks from the shaded area.
  18. It is not only Doc, Maf are the same. It is all about trout and salmon because that is where the money comes from when people buy fishing licences. I have put traps in the local river to catch fish for turtle tucker and have had a few confiscated by fishing wardens. You can catch all the natives you want except if they think you are after whitebait or trout.
  19. It wasn't your friends over the road was it?
  20. alanmin4304


    They are about twice that down here. If they are a pair they will likely breed if you give them a cave. They are generally harder to stop than start.
  21. Only the price is different but you will have to change the tubes.
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