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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Out of curiosity, what union are you a member of---The employers Federation or The Round Table?
  2. I had one but it had a problem with the fine thread getting stripped, but I understand that a metal adapter is also available.
  3. Floating plants will block the light off so you wouldn't want plants that need good light.
  4. Gigantea is massive and spiralis is straight leafed but with a spiralling flower stem.
  5. In tha past I have had to deal with obsessive cat lovers when the neighbours have complained. They are generally well meaning people who start feeding a few strays which start breeding and usually end up underfed and diseased. With the help of the SPCA I used to remove most of over 30 cats from one lady periodically and trust me the cats were in very poor condition. Keep your cat at your place, and if you can't don't have a cat. My preferences in life do not include your darling little pussy.
  6. Certain things are not compatable. Goldfish, aviary birds, freshly dug gardens, sleep in the mating season and dogs are not compatable with cats. I have had all of the above in conflict with cats and have an intense dislike of your little wanderering pussy. I think it all started at an early age when my father found a wild cat lying on my youngest sisters face in the cot (which almost smothered her) and he then devoted his life to keeping the property free of cats just like the nurseryman. I must confess that some things are very compatable with cats---grapes for instance.
  7. It can be interesting watching the news sometimes about countries where martial arts are more part of the culture. When demonstrators and the police have a conflict it is a bit like an old kung fu movie. It wouldn't be anywhere as much fun if they just stood there and shot each other.
  8. Zev, I have friends who have given up teaching because of the number of kids who don't want to learn and are at school, imagine how many more would leave if the classes were full of kids who didn't want to be there but had to. I think they are better off out of school if they don't want to learn. That way they will see how good life is with no skills and might become more interested in education later on.
  9. Some people seem to forget that the army is there with the sole purpose of training people to become professional killers. Do we realy want a whole heap of professionally trained off the rails killers in this country. Why don't we sign them up with one of the violent gangs around the place, at least the training wouldn't be at the taxpayers expense and the result would be the same.
  10. I think this idea is a load of Swearing Removed and I am sure the army would rather not have a heap of recruits that are completely off the rails (although they would be cheap canon fodder) The only discipline that is worthwhile is self discipline and you don't learn that in the army. You sh-- when I say sh-- is not worthwhile discipline. It taught me to go awol nearly every night and sneak back to camp in the wee hours stewed as. It is the usual political bull you get around near elections: Tax cuts, more cops, harder on crooks, teach the hoons discipline and play the race card if you can get away with it. Don't vote it only encourages them. Would you buy a second hand car from a politician?
  11. 22 watts is very low lighting and would be one of your problems.
  12. I use them, both dehydrate (which I presoak in warm water) and some I decapsulated myself because they were not hatching well, and froze them into icecubes.
  13. Welcome to the world of betta breeding.
  14. alanmin4304

    tea bags

    Like many things in the fish game (peat, meth blue. mal green, pot permangenate) I used to just add it until you get the depth of colour you want. Seriously, dried oak leaves are good too. The leaves lose a lot of nutrients back to the tree before they fall off so the fallen leaves will be different to vigorously growing ones. I have also used dried bark from the oak tree, and brown water from streams on the West Coast S.I. after rain which has washed through a lot of mulm to get to the stream.
  15. Because they are not food for human consumption the labelling requirements will not be as tough (especially if imported) so often the problem may not be that the labelled contents are the same but the unmentioned contents are different and one has ingredients you might be better off without. And that may or may not be the cheaper one. The best fish food is the cheapest one that works best for you.
  16. There are however a few tricks with labelling. I recall many years ago when some of the small rural poultry abattoirs where having problems getting rid of all the feathers. A large nameless abattoir was heat and pressure treating them to denature them and adding them to stock food as utilizable protein. A smaller place thought that was a good idea but couldn't afford the equipment so just chopped them up finly and added them to the blood and bone which allowed them to claim a higher percentage of protein on the label even though it was unutalizable. 95% fat free means 5% fat.
  17. alanmin4304

    tea bags

    I just poured boiling water over a teabag and tipped the tea into the tank. You can do the same thing with dried oak leaves but it takes more leaves. You dry the leaves after they have fallen from the tree in autumn. I will be watching Hagly Park for readers.
  18. alanmin4304

    tea bags

    I have used tea bags in the past successfully to breed killis and tetras.
  19. Beware of politicians that encourage singing the National Anthem and saluting the flag as they are probably contemplating war.
  20. If you can see past language and skin colour people around the world are much the same. I find it difficult to see why people are so proud of being a certain nationality when they are only that because that is where there mother was when she gave birth. If mother had been in Sri Lanka we would be Sri Lankan and who cares.
  21. The good bacteria will be everywhere but concentrated in the filter if there is one. I'll bet a dollar to a proverbial that there was no filter where the fish came from.
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