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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. When breeding fish I have used tea bags, oak leaves, oak bark and brown water from streams on the west coast---all with success. If the fish were strssed out I suspect they would not breed. Others use alder cones or Indian Almond leaves with success I believe. With fish keeping we need to be sure to avoid anthropomorphism as I am sure that a coffee drinker like me would get pretty stressed out having to drink tea (or Indian almond leaves for that matter) We have people down here breeding thousands of neons, rummy nose and other tetras in tap water.
  2. Also called a non return valve and for good reason.
  3. I am a bit slow so in words of one syllable, what is an overflow valve?
  4. Make a proper job of it and get a mature salty.
  5. Many heater/thermostats are not rated for complete submersion and most seem to end up with moisture in them after a while---can't be good for the electrics.
  6. alanmin4304


    Welcome. There are a few lizard lovers on this site and I am sure they will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.
  7. With a DIY you can put another jar between the unit and tank to take any overflow
  8. Welcome and enjoy. The killies have died off a lot recently. There is a guy down here breeding golden panchax, Nothobranchius guentheri and Aphyosemion australe (gold). I don't know what size they are up to yet but will find out next time I see him.
  9. I think the word has a few meanings in general terms but I have edited it to make you feel better.
  10. Mozzies like still, slightly organically enriched water and sandflies like running pristine water. This is why mozzies will breed in very small deposits of water and sandflies can become a real problem after lots of work has been done cleaning up effluent discharges to waterways.
  11. Didn't you do well. All you have to do is let them mature, flower and go through it all again. Then if you are bored you can do the same with the red ones.
  12. The work it has do do by pushing the water in the outlet is compensated for by the help it is getting from an equal column of water siphoning into the inlet.
  13. It probably would but why is the humidity too high in the enclsure---lack of ventilation?
  14. I'll bet it was at its worst yesterday being Valentines day.
  15. They will all rise up and swarm when they have used up the yolk sack. You can then siphon them out into water from the same tank and start feeding them Artemia nuplii and microworm. Parents will go again in about 10-14 days if well fed. Have lotsa tanks? The one shown looks like a pearl scale gold, what is the other one?
  16. Getting too hot is the usual problem with whiteworms
  17. I wouldn't expect zero nitrates as the nitrites will end up as nitrates and most tap water contains nitrates. Possible in a heavily planted tank.
  18. If you have access to transfusion equipment it is very useful. Use a small pilot light to get them feeding around the clock and set up an automatic drip feeder to put in green water 24/7. drop the water level and make sure the air above is warm and moist (a lot easier in a fish house where the room is heated.
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