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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. White spots on the tail of goldfish is not unusual and is not "whitespot" or a problem as far as I am aware.
  2. At another house we never had a problem. We had 9 aviaries, a great german shepard and no cats.
  3. I have only used Furan2 by the instructions on the packet or acriflavine (don't know the dose as I went by the depth of colour). The latter is only useful in early or light infections as is methylene blue. One of my books suggests salt at 1 tablespoon / 5 american gallons (5 american gallon is 18.93litres)
  4. A half wild cat sat on my young sister in a crib just like that and nearly killed her. My father went on a cat killing spree after that. We lived in a hydro dam village and when it all ended after 6 years everyone shot through and left the cats behind. I have a mind to do a similar thing here sometimes as we have no cat and no dog so about 6 cats use our place as a public toilet. I would love to keep birds but all the neighbours little cuties would annoy them to death. Nothing wrong with cats if they stay at your place.
  5. The patches on the skin are a worry. Look up Columnaris and see if it makes a connection.
  6. I only only feed pinkies to condition them up for breeding or before brumation and only up to three days old. This year they just decided they were not going to eat pinkies any more.
  7. Googly eyes might be OK on a goldfish but not good on killies. On second look it looks more like fungus than columnaris. Fish could have been on the way out.
  8. I used to grow them both emersed but don't have any now to compare with. Alternanthera I would expect to have the characteristic flowers at this time of year and the stage of development. Too purple under the leaf as well. I looked at the leaves on the other and doubted repens by the shape but I don't think it is the water rose as the leaves are smaller and usually varigated.
  9. I would go with that also. There are two forms of L. glandulosa available and this is the red rather than purplish variety by the looks. They both need good light but this one will get by with a little less.
  10. Never heard that before and have fed heaps of flake to goldfish without pre wetting it. Never heard a goldfish burp or the other either.
  11. I bred a lot of them once, they are a nice looking fish
  12. Write on the back of your hand: Fundulopanchax nigerianus (gold) but unfortunately dead. Gardneri yellow has blue but more yellow than the blue (which has a little bit of yellow)
  13. They look like they have been grown emersed.
  14. I would go columnaris as well. Treat the tank if there are other fish in there.
  15. The bubble counter (also from Ebay) had a non return valve built in but I put another in the line as well to be sure to be sure.
  16. A bit confusing. Are you talking about Fundulopanchax gardneri yelllow compared to F. gardneri gardneri or F. nigerianus gold compared to blue aquarium strain?
  17. In my experienc aquariums tend to go acid over time. Not sure why, might be the food.
  18. There may be a bit of CO2 in a reticulated town supply because of the pressure in the mains but Local Authorities are pretty careful to supply non acid water because of the problems with dezincafication of brass and corrosion of copper. The bill could make the leaky buidings problem look like a warmup. I have just blended hot and cold and put it straight in. We are lucky we are not chlorinated. Except for a short while when shakey town got a few pipes busted. I have always understood (could be wrong) that water has a greater affinity for O2 than CO2 and this is why aeration is a means of getting CO2 from water. Aeration will normally get rid of iron (tastes terrible and stains the bath) and manganese (makes mum's whites come out grey) because it gets rid of the CO2 which keeps them in solution.
  19. A well fed water dragon will get pretty big in a year. But that will be a good excuse to have water dragons and leps later.
  20. Most people starting out will feed there fish too much. You can feed them every day or every second day but only enough that they can eat it in five minutes. If you overfeed you will be cycling with and without fish and may produce more toxic nitrogen compounds than your fish can cope with. That will be a very small pinch for the fish that you have. You can do a 20% or 50% water change (I would do a 50%). The water you replace with should be added at the same same temperature as the tank and be dechlorinated with a suitable additive. Letting the water stand may get rid of the chlorine but not the monochloramine which is nearly as toxic for your fish. The fish you have chosen are not the hardiest--hence replacing with water about the same temperature as the tank. All else you need is patience. You are on the right track so far. Good luck and enjoy.
  21. First thing I would put in it is a small vent each end. Other than that it is looking good. That would be suitable for leopard geckos. A bit small for water dragons or beardies.
  22. There were very few albino males about a while ago, are you still getting a sex bias?
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