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grrrrrrr.... flatmates


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given my history with women im actually happy that im single! :lol:

all those hormones drive me up the wall! and the mood swings! gah!

i have clean clothes now! did 2 machine loads full at ang's house. :D not that i ran out of clothes, lol. i had a boot full of worn clothes from my trip to auckland and a wardrobe full :o too many clothes. LOL

still its only a week and then I think the laundry situation should be sorted.

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Why salt? :-?

When cooling water there is a relatively linear relationship between energy removed and drop in temperature. Until you hit freezing point, then, while you remove energy the temperature does not actually drop. The loss in energy comes from changing the structure of the water to one with a lower energy state, that being ice. The more energy you remove the higher the ratio of liquid water to solid water. That's slush.:)

Adding the salt essentially causes the water to turn from solid to liquid, but it has the same total amount of heat energy in it which requires that the temperature drops. Or another way to look at it, turning the ice into water costs "heat" which means the solution becomes cooler.

Roughly, I'm sure a chemist would argue about the exact semantics and processes, but good enough for Jr. high level chemistry.:P

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Hate to tell you but most of the milk you buy these days is reconstituted from powder - that's why it lasts so long.

Gone are the days of the glass bottles and foil tops - and milk only being good for three days!

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i wouldnt be able to stand living in a flatting situation like the one your in Pheonix.

at our place me and Scott are the head tenants, what we say is what happens.

weve had to kick numerous useless flatties out, if we had to go though all the stuff you do for old flatties leaving and new ones moving in, we would probably have killed some of them!

not helpful in your situation admittedly, but stand up for yourself!

atleast stand up for Rusty!

causing a small scene about the situation is far more desirable to coming home to a silent house because they decided to let the cat in for a while, is it not?

its not the cats fault, hes only being a cat.

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