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About bronze-dragon

  • Birthday 12/11/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Newlands, Wellington
  • About You
    Fish, cars and food

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Lucy and Arwyn http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/575734_3201485090103_1332529769_n.jpg
  2. My family was also a big part of developing Rai and Blenheim. And we also have Smythe ancestors way way back.
  3. I think you did the right thing too, working at a vet clinic I see the results of people not de-sexing their pets constantly. It might be because they seem to think that removing his testicles make him less of a male (rubbish, are you trying to tell me that those poor ladies who lose a breast through cancer are less of a woman?!) or because of the "couldn't afford it" excuse. I find it ridiculous that you would ignore your vets advice after reading Wiki! Searching anything on the net will bring you a opposing results at some point, penicillin is fantastic but look long enough and you will find that people have died from its use. Unless you plan on breeding well breed dogs responsibly, de-sex.
  4. Linda do you have a picture of the brush? Or do you remember what the packaging looked like?
  5. I groom my Saint Bernard and my cat with a Furminator Linda, as well as all the cats in the cattery at work, It's an amazing device and I would suggest anyone try it. I would also suggest brushing with the Furminator outside as it does remove a large amount of excess fur, it's not designed to catch and hold fur in it's bristles like the other brushes. It will hold a small amount of fur there but the majority of fur will build up on top of the coat and you can then remove it just by brushing your hand over the dog.
  6. This stuff is really good with stressed out kitties: http://www.feliway.com
  7. I can't imagine them wanting the consequences of being caught selling a potentially unwanted organism either.
  8. I put 2 Pakistani loaches in our tank and they are doing a fantastic job of killing off the trumpet snail infestation.
  9. It's just the one longfin, im tossing up whether or not to buy it myself :roll: But will try for a pic tomorrow.
  10. We have a long finned Bronze at work, came in a shortfinned batch.
  11. I don't really think I will bother coming again thanks.
  12. We will bring another bucket of Rio's if there is demand for them. Shall we bring the big female up again for a size demonstration?
  13. Do you have any "Spotted Bristlenose" dude? The fish you have are not the same thing, notice the size and whiteness of Josh's fishes spots? and also the darkness of the whole fish.
  14. We also have a couple 100 we cant wait to get rid of.
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