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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. I only know the sailfin = Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps
  2. Yeah I really like Bandits as well but they are super shy.. only come out if I sit perfectly still for 30min or so :slfg: They keep laying eggs though..
  3. Bandits and Sterbai around a mix of 30 at a cm or so.
  4. Ryan when you write Hexamita, do you mean "hole in the head"? Surely that would be visible? Also Metronidazole cannot be bought over the counter here and discusnoobie has already been denied fish drugs by a vet by the sounds of it. When I first bought 5 young discus, 3 of them did exactly the same.. went dark and was sulking in the corner until in the end lying on the bottom and eventually died... I put it down to stress and/or low quality inbred fish.
  5. Hmm... Do you hire out your gang of assasins? I have a few hundred little snails I want "terminated"
  6. Try to get a quote from these guys: [email protected] I've bought from them before on TM
  7. Bump Wouldn't you want a setup where mudskippers can do what mudskippers do best? (skip on the mud :slfg: ) Anyone have experience keeping this fish?
  8. I would try to wrap the hoses in something.. if only as an experiment to see if it helps.. If there is no light and it still clogs up then it can't be algae.
  9. How do you keep mudskippers in an aquarium? With a mudbank?
  10. Josh I found a picture of my "eggcubator"
  11. Just remember that once you snail you can't just unsnail :lol:
  12. Ok.. interresting.. are they exposed to direct sunlight or something? How about wrapping them in something that will block the light.. Paper, electrical tape, tinfoil.. etc... doesn't look nice but if you would have to flush out your hoses every two weeks I think I would do something like that.
  13. I think what you are talking about is not algae.. it is bacteria buildup.. Nothing you can do about that, but cleaning them every 2 weeks sounds far too often to me... I take mine apart every 3 months or so and use a pipe brush.
  14. I just collect with fingers, hehe. Eggs are quite hard.. you can sort of "roll" them off (if on hard surface) and they will stick to your finger. Otherwise if they are in the moss just pick with two fingers.. just don't squeeze too hard.
  15. I asked at hff once... A ballpark guesstimate was around $500 each!! and apparently they are quite hard to keep - low pH etc. Very very nice fish though
  16. I move eggs into an old mayo jar with tiny holes drilled in it, stuck inside big tank with suction cup with an airstone in it. Once eggs are in I put a drop of meth blue in to prevent fungus. (this disapears of course in a day or so because of tiny holes - repeat) When fry has used up eggs sacks I feed with liquifry or just crushed dry food. then move to net breeder where I feed the crushed NLS grow. seems to work very well.
  17. Hi Henward where did you get that sand? and whats it called? Fish and tank looks awesome btw! :nfs:
  18. Perhaps he saw Finding Nemo... didn't Nemo swim into the filter? Maybe it has something to do with wanting to swim "up stream" for whatever reason.
  19. Yeah why do we have to wait for it to eat pellets before seeing a pic or vid?
  20. Show us show us show us show us show us show us show us show us show us show us show us show us :spop:
  21. Never trust your heaters reading... or the sticker on the tank.. both could be way off.. Get a $3 thermometer from a pet shop (have a look at all the ones they have in the shop and pick one that shows the same temp as most of the other ones... then it's probably accurate enough for what you need it for)
  22. IMO the size of the gravel is too big & uniform Otherwise looks great! :thup:
  23. I had a look on customs website.. GST is waivered for amounts due up to $60.. That means you can buy for up to $400
  24. Yes I remember seeing a doco on Arapaima (huge amazon fish) and when they showed how it snapped up it's prey it nailed a Geophagus!! :nilly: (I was rooting for the Geo )
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