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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Took a photo of one. Must be a type of Ramshorn. This one is 3mm across and I think it's full size.
  2. Did some research: Most garden pond sites states that at a temperature of 49°C the nitrifying bacteria will start to die. I'm planning to use one of those portable water heating elements that you plug in to normal 240v.. I think it's around 1000w and then just monitor temp and turn on and off. The snails I have are the little cinnabun shaped ones that you can easily crunch on the glass.. not sure of name. Ok so now I just need to test a few plants if they will survive 45°C for half a day or so... :spop:
  3. 2 fish for the price of 1! :slfg: Yeah I think the problem is the inside surface of the glass.. have never seen this problem on other tanks. Another solution is an insanely expensive 3D background you can buy at your LFS. :nilly:
  4. Yeah there is usually too much going on below an arowana in an aquarium. Have just seen the legendary doco "rivers of the sun" and in their natural habitat I think it's usually pretty dark and murky below and they are constantly looking for food on or above the surace. Agree DE is naff!
  5. Was hoping other people had been guinea pigs before me :slfg: I guess I could set up a small experiment tank.. would be interresting
  6. Yes but I'm worried with copper sulphate that it might kill of all the bacteria. And from what I have read it is never 100% effective if dosed as instructed.. I would have to overdose and then bacteria might die.. opinions?
  7. True.. I think eggs would endure the cold water though.. but can they handle the hot water ?
  8. So here's my latest "rid my tank COMPLETELY of snails" brainwave... I know loaches, copper etc. but would like to avoid these methods Raising the temperature The plan: Take out ALL fish and house elsewhere... Slowly raise temperature to say... 45°C ??? I'm thinking that bacteria and plants should be able to cope with this for a little while but I don't think the snails will... Anyone have experience (or experiments) with snails and temp tolerance? And to the plant guys out there, could the plants survive 45°C for maybe half a day? (twisted val, swords, anubias, x-mas moss)
  9. I think you are absolutely right.. which is why I joked earlier that that they didn't "mean to" eat my neons.. but if a sleepy neon hangs around in front of their snout they might just grab the opportunity. And yes weird things will always happen like a geo eating a Ram or choking on a Barb but that is out of the ordinary... like 1/1000 chance, and then of course it gets posted on MFK.
  10. Tsk tsk Henward... just because they can't swallow a live locust doesn't mean they won't eat a squiggly little mossie larvae... :slfg: Oh and nice fish!
  11. IMO GZ_Loach's Geo that ate a Ram must have been one rouge G. altifrons... That would be the exception I think. My G. altifrons male (20+ cm) and female lives happily with 9 Red Phanthoms, 3 Penguins, 2 Glowlights and 1 Silver Tip Tetra... and always have been since the geos were smaller and there were more of them.. it was only the Neons that disappeared... I would keep Tetras with Geos any day!.. just not anything neon/cardinal size. And about the fish math.... way off!... there are some gentle giants out there where this "math" does not apply.
  12. Yeah looking at my Geos I'm sure they don't "mean to" eat a little tetra... they just sort of got inhaled when it came to close :slfg: Little Red Riding Hood comes to mind: "oh grandma, what a big mouth you have!" :sml1:
  13. Pfeww... "normal" as well... ish
  14. I used to have a flok of neons with my G. altifrons... they all disapeared one by one during the nights.. and this was when my Geos were only 1/3rd of full size.. At the price of Cardinals I would definitely not do it.. I have 2 Geos at full size now and I keep some Red Phanthoms, Penguins and Silvertips with them.. no problems at all.
  15. Yeah me too would like to know if anyone has tried these:
  16. I watched Flipper too when I was a kid.. with Danish subtitles!! :slfg:
  17. WOW WOW and another big WOW!! Great pics David.. I'm amazed how much "fish" you managed to include in your holiday :slfg: Those germans ey... when they do something they do it well!
  18. I researched this a while ago.. there is no duty and the rule is that you have to pay GST if the GST amount is $60 or more.. with 15% gst this comes to a purchase price up to $400 before you in theory have to pay GST.
  19. Super automatic feeders from Germany Oh and a couple of fish keeping friends from work that has promised to do some water changes.
  20. Cool, I need to do some serious twisted val reduction in my tank anyway or I will go on 7 week holiday and when I come back all the fish would be suspended in green spaghetti! :slfg:
  21. Have a look at Twisted Val and see if you like it.. If you do you can have heaps from me (mine's going nuts and taking over the tank)
  22. Collected them all and hatched in the "eggcubator".. collected 60-70 eggs I think but lots were not fertilized because I have more females than males.
  23. Update: Have found someone very nice now to take care of our little dog. :happy1: Thanks to all that offered for their interrest.
  24. Update: Eye is a goner.. The "gel" bubble in front of her eye eventually fell off and left her with a gaping hole directly into the lens behind the iris.. Looks very nasty but is not infected and she is eating and generally doing ok. I'm am thinking that the "gel" might have been the cornea swelling up and perhaps it couldn't handle the heavy medicating regime directly on the eye.. not sure.. just a guess. Just hope now that the eye will heal somehow and not become a problem.. I guess fish can live quite happily with one eye in an aquarium. She was so pretty though... &c:ry
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