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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Yes and recycled rimu is infinitely more sustainable... if anyone cares :sage:
  2. That's one of the most OTT stands I've ever seen! :slfg: Very nice setup.. Looks very natural - I like that! I would put an army of corys in there, hehe. Duckweed :love:
  3. Although I feel breeding cichlids entirely for food is perverse... How about G. Steindachneri... Mouthbrooding Eartheater Easy to breed Keep at 24-26° One male to many females (polygamous) Can reach 10cm fairly quickly on good diet/large tank Avaliable in shop now! And best of all you will always have lots of stock for others that want to keep this lovely fish :thup:
  4. Both Convicts and Kribs will pair "for life" and will not breed with other males / females readily. The longer you leave the fry with the parents the longer between breeding cycles. Go for Guppies or Mollies.. as Josh said they are more suited to that temp and fry will grow fairly quick. Don't use beautiful cichlids
  5. Stomach content of a dead albatross or seal?
  6. My wife and I are going overseas from 26th July - 11th September and would like to leave our 5 year old little male Maltese dog in someone's home instead of in a kennel. So if you are interrested, have the ability and the surroundings and want to make some money then PM me. He is very playful, harmless and cuddly. He is desexed. We will provide food, bed, toys, etc. Would like somewhere within an hours drive from Auckland. Here's a picture of the little guy:
  7. Where abouts are you Dom? (you can also add this info to your profile) Is you cold water very cold in winter? I'm Auckland and throughout winter I do waterchanges directly from cold water tap. Even in my tank with Discus. But I only do 25% water change. If I have to do larger water changes than that I mix in hot from hot water tap and there has never been a problem with that.
  8. What's European bracing? When I googled it came up with lots of pictures of riots!! :slfg:
  9. Had no idea that there were so many exotic species on the loose doing very well in Singapores reservoirs. I could finally combine two of my hobbies - Catching some Eartheaters on my flyrod to put in my fishtank!! :slfg: Some of the species you can catch there are: Arapaimas, Eartheaters, Arowanas, Tilapia, Peacock Bass, Pacus and many more. Have a look for yourself: http://fish-eartheater.blogspot.com/ Not me or my picture by the way.
  10. Nice to hear someone making the effort to keep fighters in good water conditions. Too often you see fighters being kept in crummy little containers with bugger all filtration. and a big +4 to the pics! :spop:
  11. You should start your own thread in the Commercial Trade and Exchange section instead of poluting this nice thread with your advertising :sage:
  12. I had one where the impeller seemed to have melted the plastic around it until it finally jammed.. is that what happened to yours?
  13. What's the temp like? Since I move mine to 22 degrees they haven't stopped laying eggs
  14. +1 where's the imagination and creativity in that? That's just a tank full of fish! anyone can do that! (anyone with heaps of $$$ that is :slfg: )
  15. That is some seriously good diy skills there! Well done! looks great!
  16. Have a look at this: http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=236032 I've done this to one of my tanks and the black is so black.. looks very nice.. The "vinyl" is just the normal background poster you buy on a roll at hff..
  17. Done... was quite easy to do except for all the splashing and thrashing.. Will repeat 3 times a day. You were right.. it is more like a gel type growth in front of her eye.. had a close look and a little poke when I had her out. Will also add some salt now.. Thanks guys!
  18. Thanks Ryan, You mean the wunder tonic directly on it's eye? I'm sure that blister will break if I catch her.. but I guess that could be a good thing?
  19. My female altifrons managed to lodge herself between my 300W heater and back glass... resulting in a burn right across one of her eyes. She was stuck so I had to push her out from there... terrible :tears: First the skin over the eye had turned white where the burn was but now is more clear and like a blister bubble with clear liquid underneath. I added some "wunder tonic" to the water (1/4 recommended dose) to prevent and fungal/bacterial infection. and have since made a 25% WC and added wunder tonic again.. It seems there is a normal eye under the blister but would like some expert opinions on better treatment to get her eye back to normal. Any help is much appreciated.. Pics below, first pic is her other eye - the normal one. Sorry about the pics it was very hard to take any good ones.
  20. They have 18 or so on Tiritiri Matangi and I've seen them a few times... Have also recently been released in the waitakere ranges. Don't believe that the south island one is out there somewhere but I guess it's always interresting having a few mythical creatures
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