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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Do you mean True Altum Angels? (P. altum) If so I agree, they are not here and would be very expensive to get (and difficult to keep) But the strain of normal P. scalare called "Peru Altum" (because it resembles P. altum a little bit and originates from peru I think) is fairly common and was sold on TM by Phill for around 4 juv for $25 from memory.
  2. They are sold by "Just Angels". They are on TM now.
  3. Oy! leave the 1400L alone Henward... it's a South American tank! :slfg:
  4. Nice! Pic 3 looks like he's sneaking up to bite the other ones tail :slfg:
  5. Yay!! no more looking at a sqillion goldfish! :happy1:
  6. Nice square tank.. what are the dimensions?
  7. David, using this feeding method, do you find everyone gets enough food? Or are some fish "bullied" away? (as opposed to feeding in a few different spots e.g.) And yeah any plants would ruin it IMO
  8. Every time I see a group of big Geos... !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool: Nice shots!
  9. Thanks! Who would have guessed that :slfg:
  10. Just a silly question: What does FOWLR stand for? And NSW? I'm guessing New Salt Water?
  11. On that note... I see Biosecurity have updated their "safe ornamental fish list" to April 2011! Some names have changed, a lot are still wrong but can't see anything new added.
  12. Did a little test: Collected a bunch of snails in a mayo jar.. all the snails started to crawl up the sides.. Then put 1 drop of fert in the jar.. 1 min later all the snails started dropping like flies to the bottom... not sure if they are dead now but if not they are definitely hidding from something... Good sign... fertilizers certainly seem to deter snails :happy1:
  13. Good idea.. a combination of poisoning and trapping... Their days are numbered! (famous last words)
  14. Thanks Sophia, this could be an option if all else fails. Strange observation this morning: (after dosing heavily with ferts (containing copper) last night. I always see HEAPS of snails on the glass in the morning before the lights come on but this morning NONE on the glass.. They are still there on plants, rocks etc. but it's like something is different... I will poison them slowly but surely, HE HE HEEEE (evil laughter)
  15. Cool.. I'll go heavy on the PMDD for a while and see. If it doesn't do it I'll order some of your good stuff
  16. Actually I have some PMDD from Valray on TM. Says it contains copper but not how much or in what form. Haven't used it for a long time now (lazy). I'll start that again with a heavy dosing regime and see what happens
  17. P44 you have experienced this? I supposed it's the CuSO4 that, even in tiny amounts, kills snails?
  18. Hmmm.. a guarantee.... I like! (This means if it doesn't work P44 will have to come a pick out every snail one by one by hand :slfg: ) (googeling where arch hill is)
  19. Ok so it seems the consensus is that plants won't cope with the heat... To the plant guys: What do you think of a double dose of snail rid (copper sulphate)? Will the plants survive it? have read that val is quite sensitive to it.
  20. +1 Geos will have a field day with that tank.. :digH: but hey maybe then Kinbote will have the tank looking like that 1st picture. :slfg:
  21. Tried and failed.. sorry I know we've been over this in another thread but that's $44 I'm never getting back :slfg: I have a suspicion that geos are more likely to snap up a tetra when Geos are young.. Mine seemed much more enthusiastic about food when they were younger whereas the 2 big ones I havenow sort of just go about their business sifting the sand at a leasurely pace.. Good looking tank Kinbote! I saw you already have 8 B. splendens but I would add another 8 Corys of another species. e.g. Sterbai, they are nice and large enough not to be accidentally eaten.
  22. hovmoller

    4 months

    Welcome and very nice tank! well done. Curious about your angels.. They looks VERY nice and you wrote "wild type". Is it just the regular "normal" strain P. scalare or the one called Peru "altum"? Cheers!
  23. hovmoller


    Sorry to hear that but what does it have to do with cichlids?
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