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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. We got a fax at work today telling us about a new baby formula called Nutricia. I commented that it sounded like a baby name. The Dr then replied "I suspect it is the benign younger sister of Morticia" :roll: :slfg:
  2. Once the club has sent in capitations for their members (this will be after they have gathered all the subs due at their AGM)
  3. I imagine they will pay your capitation about now, or next month as their AGM is May. That means you will get your first magazine in August
  4. I hope he wasn't commenting on the magazine in any way by vomiting over it :roll:
  5. I may have read it wrong but don't you still have another cycled tank that does not have white spot? Take half the filter media from that and add it to the new filter. Or, if the angel doesn't have white spot, use the filter in that tank and put the new one in with the angel. One angel will need a lot less filtration that 50 guppies.
  6. Registrations were supposed to be in by April 20th people, and so far few have met the deadline. It is very difficult organising activities, catering etc when people leave these things to the last minute. If you plan to attend, and it sounds like it will be the usual fun, then I suggest you do so TODAY!! Details and registration form (and link) can be found on the Home Page plus were in the Feb AW.
  7. Caryl


    What about using one of those air sharks for towing?
  8. Algae on wood looks great and it certainly added interest.
  9. High starting price! If you wanted to clean it just swish it around in running water.
  10. Most of them. CO2 just makes them all grow better, faster
  11. Caryl


    Kelly Tarlton's has a special licence to keep them.
  12. Good thinking! I will get the full list to exec ASAP so the rest can sort their votes as well.
  13. How interesting wok. I just got an email from the printer to say they went to the post office this morning :happy2:
  14. Has his breathing changed? Gills reddened? Gasping?
  15. Before adding meds you need to ascertain it has a swim bladder problem and not just constipated, or if it is something else. Can you give more details or do you have a pic or video?
  16. I have had AquaClear's run for many many years without problems. They do not use the narrow specialised cartridges that others use too so you can swap media around and add or remove it as you need. I have also used Shark internals with no problems but can't compare them to others. Most agree that Eheim is the one to go for though if money is no object.
  17. This is currently being printed and will be appearing in select (or selected) mailboxes soon! We have an article from Navarre on keeping cichlids Sophia tells all about her DIY disaster she discussed here in the forums There is an article from Dr David Ford on his visit to the world's largest aquarium (I wanna visit!!) LivingArt's DIY shark features on one page Simon wrote about aquatic weeds and the National Pest Plant Accord We have lots of info and pics from Marlborough's Tank and Pond Parade Kiran shows us his native tank build and Marinefish4life talks about his foray into marine We learn all about red eared slider turtles from Donna Read about the Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information Programme (TFBIS) for which the FNZAS has been given a grant to participate in conjunction with several regional councils, NIWA, DOC, Biosecurity and the Ministry of Fisheries. ... and more!
  18. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I always check lolcats. :slfg: I have today off (except I have to in for an hour late this afternoon) so walked into town and enjoyed morning tea with my parents and sister. I then nicked a basket full of grapes from the neighbour down the road (who actually told me to help myself) so am sitting at the computer eating grapes. The AW proof was approved this morning so going to print today or tomorrow. I then have to design and print posters, programmes and leaflets for the next lunchtime concert being held locally.
  19. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    When she was younger, my daughter's favourite book was "My Cat Likes To Hides In Boxes". I just bought it for her last week to use in her classroom now she is a primary teacher of Year 2's. Grant and I were away for a long weekend break. We took the Chrysler... It made it over the Takaka Hill no problem. We stayed at Paton's Rock. It threatened rain the first day but it swept around the hills. Looked lovely though... I like walking the beach seeing what gets washed up, or the patterns made by sand and/or water... The second day was sunny but there were too many people on the beach!... We went salmon fishing and caught 4, which we ate for lunch... I like the contrasts here... and a final look at the beach...
  20. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I was right - knocked at least 10 minutes off my usual time :happy1:
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