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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Hi and welcome. I suggest you add your location to your profile as it may help further down the line
  2. Welcome. Sounds to me like you need to join the local fish club! There is plenty of electronic stuff in the hobby to keep your husband interested too
  3. It would be legal - if that is indeed what it is. I know of plant growers who have lusted after a Madagascan lace plant for years without success. If it is truly what he claims I should think he would be advertising it as he could get a lot more than $50 for a bulb! It is my understanding this plant has not been seen in NZ for many years now and I don't think it can be imported - but it is not illegal to posses it. Might be wrong though :-?
  4. Sounds like it was caused by an injury and the red will probably be blood.
  5. Caryl

    Furan 2

    No but it can be extremely effective for cyano - depending on the cause. Cyano is not algae.
  6. If you are going to heavily stock your tank then weekly water changes will be required.
  7. Hi and welcome. Please stop dosing yourself with malachite green as it is carcinogenic so you will soon have more than stress to worry about! You may also end up looking like the Incredible Hulkess, or Hulkette. Read about the whitespot cycle and see when it is actually infectious. Just because the spots have disappeared on the fish does not necessarily mean it is gone. The cysts drop off the fish into the substrate and the meds only work at a certain time (mind has gone blank so I can't advise which part without looking it up myself). Whitespot is certainly caused by stress and the bullying could have been the reason but it would pay to check the ammonia and nitrite levels as you say the tanks are new-ish. These should be 0. Mr G is showing everyone whose boss. If you have a lot of plants and places for Mrs G to hide from him, he might settle down.
  8. I put them in one of those collapsible cooler bags and carry them on as hand luggage no problems (especially if you don't mention you have live fish)
  9. I don't know about that. The mouth shape looks wrong but it could be the way it was stuffed.
  10. I would expect them to eat the fish!
  11. I thought the expression was a result of having seen the cat just before it caught it :lol: Can't help with the ID Stella but interesting fish.
  12. This thread has been locked at the original poster's request.
  13. I tend to wedge a few roots in a crack in the wood or cut a small one where I want the plant to be. I have never had to tie one down.
  14. No idea as I have never used ferts I suspect it's what you get using artesian water in a grape growing region :roll:
  15. We can get 80ppm nitrates out of the tap!
  16. Convicts will spawn in the plastic bag on the way home! They are not fussy so just wait (and not for long).
  17. That is looking very nice mcrudd. How did the bristlenose fry destroy your other plants?
  18. I have had Java fern for years and it seems to go in cycles like this, looking brilliant then suddenly dying off. It does come away again eventually.
  19. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Thanks for reminding me Caper! It is my son's 30th on Monday I think. :roll: He is my baby so I think that makes us officially old :slfg: Having lunch with friends today. Will have to mostly listen as still have almost no voice but it is slowly improving. One dead mouse disposed of! :happy1: (That's what I have a husband for - rodent disposal)
  20. Just about drinking anything else (apart from alcohol) would be better than pop as it has such a horrendous sugar content. Watch it if you switch to the sugar free options as too much can make you ill or give you diarrhea. Have you tried herbal teas in the evening? Camomile is suggested for helping aid sleep. Presonally I think they all taste revolting but I don't like pop either so you might like some of them. Milk, especially warm milk, is also nice before bed. Choose the low fat option. Try adding just a small amount of fruit juice to the water to get a bit of flavour. If you still find yourself comfort eating, try changing what you eat when you do it. Easier said than done but when you start to feel healthier you know it was worth it! :bounce:
  21. I th8nk the paradise fish would upset the rest.
  22. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    That tiramisu looks delicious. Did you make it yourself? Happy anniversary too Sophia It has been very quiet here as I have laryngitis so no voice.
  23. Go Caper! Just cutting back the sugary drinks will make a big difference and eat small amounts often then you are less inclined to binge eat. As the weight drops I am sure the pain will lessen. Over 10 years ago now, I had back problems, tired easily, had gall bladder problems resulting in cholecystitis, blood sugar swings and other health issues. I went to my Dr who said "You fit the classic profile for the 3 F's - you're fair, fat and 40." It took me another 2 years to finally get off my backside (and the thought of being harpooned in Fiji at conference) and seriously do something about it but it was the best thing I ever did. These days I am much improved (apart from the past 12 months but that was an injury) and eating much more healthily (except when I attend conference ) Keep up the good work!
  24. Don't neon and wok make a lovely couple? :gigl:
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