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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I am home alone (as is often the case) so I am finishing off the May Aquarium World ready to send to the printer :bounce: Looks like my daughter will be moving back home for a while so I have cleared out a bedroom and wardrobe. We will head up the Wither Hills later so she can walk off some frustration and anger. Should be a quick hike! Another gorgeous day in Blenheim. Where were they during summer? :dunno:
  2. Great work there but, to be honest, the tree stump looks like a moa foot to me . More interesting than a log :thup:
  3. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I ate them quickly before they fermented
  4. My giant danios have distinct stripes
  5. Welcome Sorry still laughing :rotf:
  6. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I am currently at work, munching through some savignon grapes 8)
  7. Or contact the local fish club. Someone will be happy to help
  8. Caryl

    Hi everybody.

    I hope you enjoy your time here and get help when it is needed.
  9. His wife probably thinks Ira is one big beautiful animal too
  10. I would have the tank ready with half bath water and half fresh, then get someone with a large net to hold it while I siphoned out as much water as I could through the net. The net will catch any fish or fry. As soon as the water level has dropped enough, slowly tip the bath over, if it is on a slope so you can angle it slightly, and pour the remaining water through the net too.
  11. I always know when they kids are staying as the number of bottles and potions quadruples in the bathroom! I noticed that several of them were Proactiv so asked if it worked. I was assured it did, as long as it was used correctly and regularly. If you stopped using it, or missed a day or two, the skin got bad again.
  12. None of them are so far. I could show a pic of Ira, if you really want, but not sure if it would be of benefit to anyone
  13. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I am babysitting son's dogs while he and Dena are partying. Bedtime for them I think - the dogs that is. They are supposed to go out to poo before going into their crates but neither seems interested :roll: Going to see Mirror Mirror tomorrow.
  14. That is looking really nice. You have done a good job of adding depth to the view.
  15. It took me a minute to realise that was the back end of the cat :slfg: The chair for viewing those in the spa pool is a concern. Ira doesn't skinny dip - he chunky dunks :sml1:
  16. They are a great addition to a community tank and a very peaceful, as long as the other fish stay out of their territory.
  17. Apistogramma species. They are dwarf cichlids and very pretty.
  18. I was talking to a friend this morning and she and her husband own a dairy farm. She said soon after they were married she bought some bright red cable for some part of the equipment for out in the paddock and her husband, who is colour blind, said "How will I find that in the long grass?" He could not see it as more than a different shade of grey to the grass. My brother is also colour blind so can't read traffic lights. He remembers which order the colours go. My sister can't see fine red stripes. She did not realise this until she thought she would have a go at squash and couldn't understand when people kept talking about the red stripe on the wall. She couldn't see it :roll:
  19. To you they are quite different shades but to others, they are indistinguishable
  20. 3 - that was fun! I, too, missed the 3 in that centre green spectrum Grant got 19 but he is older 8) (His eyesight is better than mine though)
  21. Could there have been some sort of spray on the kumera? Perhaps it has too high a sugar or starch content and they had a diabetic attack :dunno: Blanching is usually required for a tough green like cabbage as it breaks down the cellulose or something so it is digestible. Not a requirement with courgettes.
  22. It doesn't use that much Ira. It takes us 3 - 4 days to get through a bag.
  23. We like fires but not the hassle of bringing in wood and sourcing it etc. We tried gas, but it is too expensive here, and our room does not suit a heatpump so last winter we installed a pellet fire. Really pleased with it so far but only used it for half a winter. We hooked it up to the old gas fire thermostat so it cycles on and off all by itself. Only ran it in the lowest setting as the rooms got too hot. I think our next step, after replacing all the windows with double glazing, will be to install a ceiling thing to suck the heat up and around to the various room.
  24. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I think it will have to be put down. Gareth and Dena would take it but it would be terrified of the dogs and their other cats
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