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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I should point out that was not personal experience talking, but researching :-?
  2. Not a lot of difference. Male is brighter coloured and the dorsal and anal fins more drawn out than the female's. Male head is patterned with reddish brown dots and wavy lines not seen on the female. Males grow bigger. When a male matures (or is ready to breed) his bars darken, fins colour up and the spots and wavy lines will grow and intensify
  3. I should have said - my husband whacked it with a hammer. 8) He also had steel cap boots on whereas I was in bare feet supervising his efforts from a distance
  4. Many females have short stumpy bristles around the mouth but only males have the long curly ones marching up the middle of their head
  5. Whacked it with a hammer to no effect. Here are my limestone rocks...
  6. OK here we go. The pond today... We have turned on the water fall. and cleaned out the small pond (the rotting hedgehog polluted it badly). We have made a hedgehog bridge... We caught these from the small pond (saved from the large pond last summer) Here they are being released... and the other fish coming to investigate the newcomers... As the weather has warmed up and evaopration occurs, the ballcock has sped up More pics here http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... 0Feb%2006/
  7. Caryl

    out door ponds

    It differs everywhere :roll:
  8. I don't know what a starlight is but a white mouldy patch sounds like a secondary fungal infection. Possibly the fish has injured itself.
  9. Mine are very heavy. Am off to see if I can break one (and hopefully not my foot in the process) 8)
  10. Credit cards are good for scraping up cory eggs.
  11. Caryl

    out door ponds

    I enquired about fencing my pond and was told by two different council people that it didn't matter as the law was for swimming pools (for humans), and the subject of fish ponds was a grey area but they said I did not have to fence mine. Besides, if we can have 2 rivers running, unfenced, through the middle of our town, plus a gorgeous one through a popular park (with a children's play area right beside it) again unfenced, then I don't see why I should have to fence something on my own private property! :evil:
  12. No idea of cost as it was done as part of the whole landscaping of the section plus redoing the verandah
  13. If you're careful. I imagine they could be broken in half too. If I think of it tomorrow I will give it a go and see if I can get flat edges.
  14. The limestone rocks here are all round. Slate is flat.
  15. Will take another pic of it all tomorrow so you can see how it's growed 8) The bird bath is a plinth only as the bowl cracked and broke in half during a heavy frost The two climbers were also killed but have just started coming away agin I see. The tops of the hebes got hit by frost too.
  16. Caryl

    Platys and salt

    Platys are FRESHWATER fish, they do not require any salt in their water. It will not make them grow faster either.
  17. I haven't got any exams - hah ha de har har :lol: Plus I am sitting at work reading a book and the boss has just made me a cup of tea But my daughter graduates next month 8) She is expecting a graduation present apparently. Never mind :roll:
  18. It could come right again. It may be a little weaker than the others so take a bit longer to adjust to the new tank or it may have been knocked about when being caught.
  19. Caryl


    and yes they will die.
  20. Caryl

    Goldfish fry

    It varies a lot from place to place. What size and colour are they?
  21. Caryl

    Goldfish fry

    Whatever someone will pay
  22. Caryl

    Goldfish fry

    Depends on how much you sell them for each
  23. I did that too, it was clipped to the back of my trousers and fell off when I stood up :roll:
  24. Cladophora (I think) It is a very long filamentous algae
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