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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. If you let the neardie out, won't it eat the flies?
  2. There's only 2 of us but we run a lot of electronic equipment 24/7 plus 2 heat pumps (we use gas heating in the lounge). Apart from the one gas fire, all our stuff is electric. Our power bills are around $200. We are now running the pond pump so it will be interesting to see what a difference it makes on the next bill.
  3. Hard to tell without removing the mass and looking at it under a microscope. Sounds like a cyst. A cyst of what depends on what you see under the microscope. Most cysts seem to be non spreadable and no treatment is required. I think it will burst on its own then heal over. Keep an eye out for secondary fungal infections though and make sure water conditions are as good as they can be.
  4. If your power bill is really that high I would be having it checked - uless some of your tanks are marines and running metal halides or something equally power hungry. We used to have 18 tanks running here (no double glazing and fancy stuff anywhere) and our power bill was never anywhere near that. Do you run underfloor heating?
  5. Caryl


    No, they just eventually float to the surface and the fish nibble on them in passing.
  6. Hi and welcome. I think it is poo too and your goldfish isn't well. How long have you had the fish? It could be just settling in (they can sulk for a while) and, depending on what it was being fed, it can alter the colour and texture of the poo. Bits of red in it, plus it being white and stringy, doesn't sound good and it might have internal parasites of some sort (inc worms). Any sign of redness about the gills or breathing rapidly?
  7. I think you will find pH Up is just an expensive way to buy baking soda too. Wouldn't use it myself as the pH will swing
  8. Obviously it is the blind tetra's guardian angel
  9. Yes I have had golden barbs in a pond outside over summer. Problem would be catching them again :-?
  10. I only work 1 day a week Oscarboy and that is only because I like it. I don't actually have to work.
  11. Caryl


    I've always left my cucumbers in until they disappeared over the week. Usually all that remains after a few days is the rind and it slowly disintegrates.
  12. Good luck to all you poor suckers sitting exams at this time - from those of us who aren't 8)
  13. Better for them to eat the feeders than the loaches.
  14. Skippy doesn't appear to have been in here since March
  15. Caryl

    whats this

    Not fussy about conditions. Likes a good amount of light. It can be planted in the substrate (but don't bury the top of the roots) or used as a floating plant. It grows baby plants off the edges of the main leaves.
  16. I'm sure you can - just that he couldn't :lol: He is an elderly man with rheumatoid arthritis. Don't expect miracles
  17. They are all fine now and happily cohabitating. It was 33C here yesterday so all were basking in the sun with some leaping about after mozzies and other critters. There is room for plenty more! 20 fish isn't many in a 6,500L pond :lol: I hope to add more plants though as I am surprised how slowly the ones I have are growing.
  18. I too wonder how deep or how well planted the pond is. Blanket weed usually loves slower moving water so I would have thought if you have it well planted and with water movement the algae wouldn't get hold. I also understood barley straw was for clearing green water, it doesn't work on blanket weed. If the weed is that bad it is indicating an imbalance of some sort. Am surprised since you have both a filter and a UV. I have a 6,500L pond and have just turned on the filter a few days ago (had a leak in the waterfall). My pond has been running 12 months now and so far no sign of alage like that (fingers crossed).
  19. BN dads look after the eggs and fry
  20. If it still has the egg sac attached it will be a few days old at most. They are big from birth compared to guppies.
  21. bd's right. A fungal infection is not the same as white spot. You fish does not sound like it has white spot.
  22. It was so funny bd, the bigger fish headed straight for the new ones then suddenly all started milling about pretending they weren't interested in them at all
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