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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Another reason to make sure you do not fill your tanks too close to the top - water slopping over and fish surfing out the end!
  2. Are your tanks attached to the wall? I wouldn't want to be next to one in a big quake! They can really move!
  3. I can't access the report page. Obviously lots of people have already done so :lol:
  4. If you felt it, go fill out the GeoNet report
  5. You would not like it if it did oscarboy and you couldn't get your feet under the doorway protection!
  6. Was just a gentle rolling here, enough to shake the computer monitors but not enough to have me diving under the nearest doorframe.
  7. You mean you felt it in Whakatane? Must have been a doozy somewhere. Waiting for the quake site to tell us the details.
  8. We are very likely to get a huge one as we sit on a number of fault lines. If you think we don't get big ones, check out the Napier and Murchison quakes! We were in Seddon when hit by a 6.2 quake in 1966. Our house moved over 10cm off its foundations. I can still remember the sound of it roaring through and the noise of chimneys and pictures etc crashing down around us. The toilet split in half too. Just announced they felt it in Wgtn (on the radio)
  9. Very good but it should be all right, or alright, not allright :lol: Plus "we're" not were It was only a slight one here too but it may be a precursor to something bigger :roll:
  10. Just had a quake. I hate the things, especially when I am on my own
  11. We had a club member who tried feeding them with lots of lettuce. Didn't stop them eating the plants as well.
  12. They will survive no trouble at all.
  13. Tonic salt doesn't "cure" anything. Meth blue is used for fungal infections.
  14. Depends on the greeblie :lol: I am referring to mossie larvae, daphnia and any other small critter that ends up in the water.
  15. I think the water boatmen (or is it the backswimmers?) eat fish eggs and small fry. That is why they are no good in tanks. I often collect greeblies from ponds. Just make sure nobody has sprayed weeds or anything nearby.
  16. Can't help you there as I never add anything to my tanks if I can help it and have never used aquarium salts. Perhaps someone else has used them and can offer advice or comments. Note that raising the temp will not get rid of the whitespot, it justs speeds up their life cycle so helps get rid of it more quickly.
  17. and I bet you didn't have yours all at once either!
  18. 40L is only small so I would only add 4 - 6 neon sized fish per month.
  19. Salt shouldn't make the water turn green. :-?
  20. Probably has so much pressure on her stomach she doesn't feel hungry :lol:
  21. Depends on the size of the tank and fish
  22. It always pays to have a quarantine tank but no need to keep it set up permanently. I like to have a spare internal filter in my main tank. This can be pulled out and added to a Q tank if required (along with water from the main tank) Whitespot spreads fast on clown loaches (within hours sometimes). They are also sensitive to medications so they must be used in half doses I think (don't have them myself). Have a read of this http://badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/profile13.html Might be something helpful here as well http://aquaweb.pair.com/forums/archives ... read=14781
  23. Sounds like she's ready to drop any day now.
  24. Caryl


    I have a Laguna 6 that does 6200lph. Got it from The Water Garden in Christchurch. Any place selling pond equipment ought to be able to get it for you, or any lfs.
  25. Welcome to The Fishroom and the joys of fish keeping. Keeping the water as best quality you can is the answer. Clown loaches need very good water conditions so if yours are not, they will be the first to show it with an outbreak of whitespot disease. They will look like they have been sprinkled with salt. The other fish may have fin rot or may just have been nibbled while in the shop tanks so I would not go adding anything to the water until things have settled down and you have a better idea of whether it is finrot or nibbles. You will be on bore or well water I assume and I also assume you are in or near Takaka? It would be interesting to check the pH of your tap water as I suspect it will be alkaline. Fish can cope with a wide range of pH generally speaking. It is pH swings they don't like as the new fish keeper tries to raise or lower it to match what the books and Net sites say are the "right" conditions. Don't do this! Keep up the regular water changes.
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