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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Hi Rebecca and a late welcome from me. One of my club members actually lives in Venus, Texas 8) She came to NZ a few years ago so it was good to meet. One day I might make it to her place.
  2. Fill it with ceramic noodles. I've got Siporax and the Eheim stuff in mine. Prefer the Siporax as, on the rare occasion I clean out the filter, it is bigger so quicker and easier to clean (and doesn't disappear down the plughole).
  3. Check with your insurance company as all policies are different.
  4. I get all my driftwood from the Hokitika beach. All I do is give it a good rinse with the hose when I get home. Go to the mouth of the river as that is where you find the native waterlogged stuff. Get the dark wet stuff, not the white bleached stuff that is everywhere above the high tide line. Best to look after a good storm or heavy rain as that is when new wood is washed down the river. Just rinse the sand or gravel you collect. It will be fine.
  5. The trouble with leopardfish and white clouds is they are so damn hard to see in a pond! :-?
  6. Caryl

    Pond Fish?

    I have had rosy, golden and odessa barbs outside here over summer. The will tolerate down to 18C so I have to bring them inside over winter but Auckland is supposedly warmer.
  7. It's called foreplay dixon and important (take note all you males). They will spawn when she is ready. 8)
  8. I don't think tonic salt would do anything in this case. I wonder if you just have poor quality neons. They seem to be bred for quantity rather than quality these days. Many being sold should have been culled. Kissing gouramis kiss, that is how they got their name. It is how they communicate. If it isn't worrying the other gourami I wouldn't worry either.
  9. I agree with what alanmin has said (and others). You don't need that stuff. I would not put 4 comets in 80L though. Not big enough. Comets grow big and like lots of swimming room as they are fast. Get veil or fantails, or something that is slower.
  10. 1 degree is nothing. Look at nature. The temperature swings over a much wider range through the day and night and the fish don't mind. It is sudden temperature changes they don't like.
  11. Nymphs only have single tails. Orandas have quadruple tails.
  12. Is that a 2ft tank? That isn't very big so you will be limited to what you can add. Putting in 2 bristlenoses first wasn't a good idea as there is nothing for them to graze on. Obviously they have survived so far though. The barbs will integrate a little but not generally shoal together. Golden barbs will get too big. Cherry barbs would be good though. You will need to add the fish slowly over time though to stop any ammonia spikes. Do you know about cycling a tank? Other smaller fish like Hengeli rasboras would look good. They are smaller than barbs.
  13. Not harmful. Possibly planaria.
  14. If it is just for water changes in your aquarium, sit the water overnight with aeration in a barrel.
  15. Did the new fish come from a pond and what was he being fed? He may not be used to flake, having previously been fed sinking pellets. He will figure it out eventually. If he has come in from a pond his digestive system may not be working yet (they shut down over winter)
  16. Yes Ron, just waiting for your membership card to arrive to add to it then it will be on its way.
  17. What size is the tank and how long has it been set up? A larger group of one sort looks better than several small groups of different ones.
  18. She is a woman - she can't be wrong! :lol:
  19. I think all those hills in Welly slow the posties down (not to mention the wind)
  20. The only fish-specific club in NZ is the NZKA (killifish). All other clubs are fish clubs for all species.
  21. My Jebo has thin sponges in each layer with ceramic media on top. I only clean it out once or twice a year. Haven't had a problem with it clogging.
  22. I am sure if you approach the right person they could get in contact with Alan still I thought I had changed all the details where necessary but obviously missed some. His name appeared in so many places :roll:
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