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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Kezza's Tank Pixs

    Nice looking fish - and tank. Well done!
  2. I have 5 males and 2 female BNs in my 4ft, along with a couple of loaches. No problems. Plenty of hiding spaces and driftwood.
  3. As a side note, there are 3 new North Shore, 4 NZKA, 5 Waikato and a Kapi-Mana memership being processed at the moment and their magazines will be sent as soon as the membership cards arrive (they are in transit as I type).
  4. Me too. I had a Fluval 405 on my tank the same size. Diffgirl is selling a 1200
  5. You're in Auckland - it doesn't get that cold there right?
  6. If she is already an NZKA member she should be getting a magazine but if so, why is she asking? Perhaps another one not yet capitated by the club?
  7. In a roundabout way it is bad as it indicates an imbalance of nutrients. The slime covers and kills the plants. It is not poisonous to the fish but nor do they eat it. Try removing as much of it as possible then covering the tank so it is in total blackout for 3 days. Turn off the tank lights of course and do not feed the fish during this period (it will not hurt them). After this time do a thorough siphon of the substrate.
  8. As soon as you join the club they should IMMEDIATELY send off the required amount for your capitation to the FNZAS treasurer. As soon as this is done, she lets me know your address details, you are added to my master list and magazines are then sent to you. A note of explanation here; affiliated clubs pay capitation fees to belong to the FNZAS. It is $10.00 per person (or family). This $10.00 is taken out of whatever you paid for club subscription. So, if your club asks for $25.00 to join, they send $10.00 of it to the FNZAS. The rest goes to help pay club expenses like hall hire, printing of newsletters, postage etc. They are supposed to pass on the capitation fee immediately but many clubs have not been very good at this and we don't know until I get an email saying "I joined the X club in August, why have I not got my magazine?" We then discover the club has not got around to fulfilling their part of the deal :evil: If you have joined a club but are not receiving the Aquarium World magazine (remember it only comes out in Feb, May, Aug and Nov) let me know! Since the Show, I have become aware of at least 5 people in this situation.
  9. So it was after you picked him up that he sought sanctuary up the tree? :lol: Cool looking critter. What size do they grow to?
  10. There will be more Show pics in the Feb issue. I have an article from the point of view of a competitor (Paul Billaney) plus Dave Cooper sent his take on it plus more pics! So members haven't heard the last of it and many will wish they had been able to attend (or had remembered it was on - not mentioning anyone in particular adodge )
  11. Told you BOP are always first. They must have a direct line :lol:
  12. Any other opinions on the FX5 please do so in the other thread evil_elmo mentioned.
  13. Yeah I get mine that way (handy to work for a GP)
  14. 1. Yes use the same water 2. No you do not need gravel but if you have white poly under it the fish will go very pale. Try to sit it on something dark. 3. Yes move fiter and media across with the fish 4. Remove as much water as possible first into the other tank. Remove all ornaments etc so nothing to catch the nets on. 5. Right New tank Dark gravel is actually good and better for the fish. They colour up more and feel more secure. A fish likes to blend in with its surroundings, especially the substrate, so they are harder to see by prey above. IMO white gravel is for marines. It only looks good for a few weeks and then goes darker as algae and stuff grows on it - as it is supposed to do. If you are changing tanks cos it is too dark - get better lighting, don't lighten the gravel. Hide the blue tubing behind large rocks or tall plants. If they are just running bubbles, consider removing them entirely. No tubing to hide then
  15. So Tauranga is first again huh? Not bad considering they were posted yesterday afternoon.
  16. Caryl

    ph issue

    I think it takes quite a bit of peat to have an effect and it depends on buffering.
  17. Caryl


    I know there are others out there with FX5s - what do you think? I too would be interested as I was considering one but am now thinking 2 smaller filters (like Jebo 819) would be better.
  18. Caryl

    ph issue

    I gather this is one of the reasons they say Palmy water isn't good for fish? What are the pH readings from the source (I assume you are using tap water)? If the fish are happy though I wouldn't worry about it. Better to have a wrong but stable pH than one that fluctuates as you try to drop it to the "correct" level.
  19. OK just returned from the post office. Wok's was done first so should be one of the last to go through the postal sorting system (being in the bottom of the bag) :lol: Let me know when you get yours and we will see which area gets theirs first. Usually it is the Bay of Plenty, with Wellington last but Nelson seem to be having problems with mail delivery so perhaps they will be last this time.
  20. I vac as close to the plants as I can without disturbing them then hold the vac over top of them as low as possible to get surface gunge out.
  21. I believe the bacteria in the filter is not affected by Erythromycin. I never noticed any problems when I used it.
  22. No he won't cos TT isn't affiliated to the FNZAS yet
  23. Wilson I print approx 300 of them. It takes several hours to prepare them for posting Dixon have a look at the sticky at the top of the FNZAS clubs thread. It is called "Subscribe to the Aquarium World" and has all the information you need. I must check as I believe Jane is about to move house again (if she has not already done so).
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