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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl


    I have always sprayed fly spray around the room, just not directly over the tank.
  2. probably mosquito larvae. The fish will love them
  3. Won't need heatpacks with the temps we have at the moment.
  4. It is why I asked if you have any other mollies. He will be getting "attached" to the other fish 8)
  5. When I see that happening I actually approach the people and say "Excuse me but did you realise if you get all those fish together like that they will be dead within a few days?" I then, if they appear concerned, go on to briefly explain why and what to do to correct it.
  6. Caryl

    Fish that I can see

    Angles? I assume you are recommending angels or do you mean he should rearrange the plants? :lol: What other fish are in there? More plants will make them come out more as they feel more secure.
  7. I just fill containers outside (old baths, half mussel floats etc) and leave them. They soon attract all sorts of insects. Other people do the same and get nothing. It helps if you live near a waterway (more critters about) or in warmer areas (may still be too cold in some places)
  8. They will do this sometimes. Is he your only molly? That may be the problem.
  9. I think you will find val is a darker green
  10. I would have one basket with filter wool and put ceramic noodles in the other 3. You can use gravel as a media but it does not work as well. The ceramic noodles have huge surface areas and promote more bacterial growth (or something equally geeky) :lol:
  11. I would suspect something other than the temp in that case. Guppies are basically pretty hardy and a broken heaterstat would result in a slow temp drop. Hovering at the surface sounds more of a lack of oxygen problem. They will live in temps down to 18C.
  12. Or if they are just coming as far as Blenheim I can continue them down either the 19th or 24th Dec for you.
  13. Temp should be fine at this time of year.
  14. Depends on where you live and pollution levels I guess :lol: I fill containers outside then net out all sorts of interesting critters. Fish love 'em
  15. Most often you can put things for them to lay on and they will go and lay on everything BUT the thing you wanted them to :lol: My son's angels have spawned ON the heater a few times :roll:
  16. At this time of year you ought to have no trouble finding live critters in small ponds etc to feed the fish. Check nobody has sprayed nearby or anything though. Angels get in the mmod anyway with or without live foods.
  17. Most buy eggs and hatch their own as needed.
  18. Most loaches are not bred in captivity I think you'll find, that is why they are more expensive.
  19. Most fish will cope with higher temps for short periods of time. It is constant high temps that cause problems. At night the tank temp will drop again.
  20. Caryl


    Lots of people breed brine shrimp
  21. Caryl


    Pardon? I was answering his question :-?
  22. Caryl


    Hi and welcome. You've obviously never heard of the TV programme called Curious George (about a monkey of that name) :lol:
  23. He islooking very skinny in the top photo. Could be internal parasites.
  24. Where exactly are you? We are BBQing at Pelorus this Sunday 8) Which way do you go to ChCh from your place? Via Blenheim or Nelson?
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