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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. If you don't put your return address on it Bill how would they know where they came from? Can understand your reluctance though. Still can't get hold of my supplier so looks like I can't help either
  2. The only one I actually know is The Pet Warehouse. I have always found Denise and her staff very helpful (especially when we drowned half our gear, including the recharger, during the Silver Fern Car Rally and required our camera battery to be charged in a hurry - Gareth to the rescue!)
  3. I have never boiled rocks either. Just a scrub and in they go.
  4. Didn't he build a fish pond 150ft long and an inch wide with one trout in it? 8)
  5. Caryl


    For mollies it is suggested 1Tbs per 10L. Mollies are one fish that appreciates a little salt as they live in tidal areas and go from fresh to salty with each tide.
  6. Caryl


    Why do you want to salt a feshwater tank? It is called freshwater, not slightly saltywater
  7. Be a devil pegasus and post him some of your stash I have tried to get ahold of my friend but he isn't answering the phone and I think he might not be working until after Christmas so I can't get them to you. Was hoping to bring them down with me on Monday if I could get some.
  8. I have posted a few to a number of people several times with no problems. I tape them to a sheet of cardboard and pop them in an envelope. Pegasus they are the same as the ones my Dr friends aquire for me. I don't know if passing them on is illegal but they are not going to be able to do any homebaking or anything with the 4 - 6 required to get rid of cyano so I can't see a problem.
  9. Platys and sword are essentially the same fish, just different fins.
  10. I don't think so actually. Possibly better quality foods with more vitamins etc.
  11. Why is it not a good idea? It all depends on what you want and what you have space for.
  12. Do they spend a lot of time on their hind legs or was he just looking about?
  13. I had them 25 years ago oscarboy - before you were even thought of, let alone born
  14. I never found them hardy. In fact, when I kept black mollies they were always getting whitespot. That was years ago and I suspect we didn't have them in the right conditions. They live in tidal areas so their water goes from fresh to salty with the tides.
  15. I work for a GP and have a friend in the A&E dept at the local hospital. They are happy to nab a few for me whenever I need them. My GP loves to up to the hospital just so he can say "Can I have a few E Mycin tabs for my receptionist? She has algae." :lol:
  16. Fish like mollies, guppies, leopardfish and platys all belong to the family Poeciliidae. Mollies and guppies are both of the genus Poecilia, whereas the leopardfish is Phalloceros and the platies and swords are Xiphophorus. Some of the species are capable of interbreeding. The males of this family are well known to try and jump anything that moves - male or female! :-? Many find keeping mollies separate is better as they are larger and get the food first. They also like a bit of salt in their water (1Tbs per 10L). In fact, if the salinity is slowly increased, mollies are capable of living and breeding in sea water with a density of 1.024 - 1.028, which is the same as the coral sea.
  17. I like my Sony too but many have, and get excellent results, from the Canons. Fuju is good too. All of them are pretty simple to use. Try each out and find out which you like the feel of the most. I know I dislike the small cameras because I find it hard to hold them steady and focus, whereas the larger bigger ones feel more solid in my hand and I have more control. Might be just me though 8)
  18. Yes it is. I would offer some but I have lost my stash again :roll:
  19. The readings on heaterstats are never accurate. It has nothing to do with them being imports.
  20. She is trying to escape the unwanted attention of the male(s) too.
  21. Yes, specially places like Briscoes which apparently had a lot of damage. Staff had to stop people trying to nick stuff
  22. I believe the quake registered on every drum in the country! (the ones that draw the squiggles when the earth shakes) What sickens me most is those who, as soon as the tremors stopped, headed off to see what they could loot. :evil:
  23. I'm glad you found it so amusing slevin12. Not so for those who weren't so lucky.
  24. A friend's daughter (in Gisborne) was home alone with 2 preschoolers who were in bed. She rushed in to her son's room to find the dresser had been flung across the room and was lying on his bed. Luckily he is just a little guy and was at the very top end and the dresser landed further down. They have lost everything in the house - TVs etc as it all fell over and smashed. Very frightening and here was I worried about the slight roll we got here! :roll:
  25. Caryl


    Wish I'd thought of that. Anyone know how to get red marker off a computer screen? :lol: (just kidding!!!)
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