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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Can we have a pic of the whole tank with the flowers coming out?
  2. Then he would expect me to share :lol:
  3. It is in my bag here at work ready to post at lunchtime - if I remember. It will cost 50c to post. You may pay me at conference :lol:
  4. There does seem to be a connection between temp and sex ratio.
  5. Mine is in a 4ft tank with 4 daylight fluorescents (well in need of new tubes). No ferts added or special substrate mix either. If it has the room to grow out of the water I think it will flower. Mine has reached the size the last one was when it did so, so I am keeping an eye on it this time. My tank has a glass lid and the fluoros are in a reflector which sits on the glass. The whole lot is covered by a wooden lid as it is part of a built in unit so I will not notice the flower unless I look under both lids. :roll:
  6. Was that the one done with the help of one of the Auckland clubs?
  7. Hi there and welcome to The Fishroom
  8. I'll send it down, along with the Win 96 Plus add-on.
  9. Would you rather have Fishnchips' unopened version?
  10. I found one right on top of the skip! Still want it? 8)
  11. Well we are busy filling a skip with stuff like that. I will see if any are still left out :lol:
  12. Is it otherwise healthy, eating and acting normally? Possibly bumped its head on something.
  13. Not necessarily. Why don't you buy the other then let us know how it goes?
  14. Go there and put money in it? Do some people still handle money?
  15. Ask Bill and family if the name Rose Cooper rings a bell (my grandmother)
  16. Quite a few clubs have annual tank crawls and some have inter-club tank crawls
  17. Caryl


    Oops, pardon my nuts :lol: Didn't check my cut and paste job :roll: I replaced it with what I meant to paste originally then realised it is the same as Keri-Anne's further down as well. One of those days :-?
  18. Caryl


    They aren't on the biosecurity list of pests and diseases. DOC says about them here; http://www.doc.govt.nz/templates/page.aspx?id=33409 and their legal definition is "unwanted organism" but I can't see where you are fined for having them or distributing but I thought it was illegal. They will jump on you if you try to sell them on Trademe
  19. My mother sent the pics to her sister in law in Hokitika for confirmation. She objected to those pics being in the forums as she thought it would encourage more Aucklanders to move there when they saw what the west coast looked like :lol:
  20. In case you are interested VinsonMassif, I believe that house was built in the early 1900's and my grandmother worked there in the 1920's as housekeeper for the Deidrichs family. Dad says the whole house will be made of native timber and the floors will be solid kauri or matai The water in the river is that colour because it is melted snow.
  21. By the time I realised mine had flowered under the lid, it was a bit squished and past its prime :roll: Yours looks much better :lol:
  22. I too have never heard of the VersaMax but have used AquaClears for years with no problem. I add different media to my AquaClears too - eg I usually put ceramic noodles under the sponge for that extra coverage.
  23. If you decide to let go of them, let me know I used to have a tank of them but loaned them, and the tank, to a junior member who eventually killed them all as interest waned I had mine in a small species only tank but they would co-exist with most fish of a similar size.
  24. I thought you booked flights ages ago?
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