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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Not only did this new poster not realise that the original thread is 7 years old but he has also been waiting since February this year for someone to approve his initial post! Talk about mistakes! Sorry Rodrigo2013 :oops:
  2. Best of luck to you and the new endeavour :thup:
  3. She did a really good job of it, as usual. Next one to look out for will be Donna and her turtles.
  4. My work here is done :thup: :slfg:
  5. That right hand (no pun intended) stump reminds of Thing, the hand from The Addams Family. :bggrn: The fish are all looking wonderful and a credit to your management.
  6. Really? I did not know that. As our cat bowl was a double bowl affair that would explain why she did not drink the lovely fresh water we tried to put out for her. She always drank from puddles or the fish pond. In the end we put dry food in one bowl and meat in the other.
  7. I know I have been on Facebook too long when I find myself looking for the "Like" button :slfg:
  8. Our cat used to drink from the fish tanks all the time. She was never interested in fresh water! She was never particularly interested in the fish either although they would come to the surface to watch her drink.
  9. Welcome. I am sure many of us were unwitting goldfish murderers in our youth. Luckily we have learned from our mistakes.
  10. Grant agrees with hovmoller as the best option for buying the software. Windows 8.1 would be his preferred choice as on most hardware it is slightly faster than Windows 7 and with 3rd party desktop menu to restore the proper start button it works very well on non touch screen systems. The touch screen design is what puts most people off and the lack of the old start button. He has installed a number recently and they all work really well. The only catch might be some peripherals may not work - like older printers and scanners. Also check that the software you want to run will do so. If not, go back to 7.
  11. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Sorry to hear that but unfortunately that can happen when you move fish. I must be honest and immediately read that as 2 of your fish lost their way and went to the wrong address (although I am fully aware of what you really meant). Warped sense of humour. :facepalm:
  12. Our water is not chlorinated either and I have never added anything to my tank water.
  13. fmueller your bike comment is very kind but if you look at my avatar closely you will see it is me who is bright yellow but the bike is black Neither are a true representation of either :slfg: Also, you are going to have to learn that what Americans call aluminum is called aluminium by the rest of us although it could be the aluminum bush is a sub species of the aluminium tree You are going to be horrified at prices and lack of variety in many things here I am afraid. :-? It is actually very rare for things to get blown around in the wind at our place as we are very sheltered here so weight is not a factor, unless we are moving it a lot in which case the lighter the better.
  14. I suspect the Ammolock is giving you false readings. It is my understanding the Ammolock binds the ammonia so it is less harmful, it does not actually get rid of it so it will still show on your test readings. I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.
  15. Ira's second pic shows powder coated furniture. I have not seen it totally like yours but my outdoor set came from either Bunnings, Mitre10 Mega or Warehouse (I can't remember but most likely Mitre10 Mega) There are more chairs to this set but they blew away in the recent storm and I have yet to gather them up around the table again (and they are all wet as it rained last night) I don't know the Braschs but suspect they belong to the Ulysses Motorcycle Club. Their motto is Grow Old Disgracefully. They have their runs at the same time as we have our MX5 Car Club runs and we both leave from the same location. A couple of our members belong to Ulysses as well. My avatar is a lie. It costs too much to register and insure a motorbike so I got a Suzuki 50cc to putter about in town or to carry stuff too heavy to walk home with (I usually walk everywhere). It looks like this...
  16. If you are not using the old filter, and it is still wet, add it to the new tank and run both filters together. Or use old media (it it was kept wet) in new filter. The fish will be happy for now, until the toxins build up - 4 - 6 days down the track. A test kit would be helpful at this stage as you could use it to daily check ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. That way you know when a water change is needed before toxic levels get too high.
  17. Nothing daring about our furniture Ryan! It is dear though :gigl:
  18. You can get black powder coated furniture here, just not that cheaply.
  19. That was 14 years ago. I have no idea if he still has a computer or flight simulator.
  20. I have an uncle who has flown helicopters and small planes for many years and was really frustrated when he got a helicopter simulation computer game and couldn't even get the helicopter off the ground
  21. I note he didn't answer the question either :-) Are they difficult to learn to fly if you have never used RC stuff before?
  22. Caryl

    Hello !

    Hi and welcome
  23. I was Taddle for a short time when a friend's son couldn't pronounce my name 8) I think it will be up to the child to decide.
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