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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. :slfg: I am sure there are many in Wellington with female BNs. One may even be willing to sell one to you. There have been many bred the past few years.
  2. Welcome. You need at least one boy and one girl plus plenty of small hiding places then let nature take its course.
  3. I was unaware we didn't have suitable ammonia here. Can't you get pure ammonia from the chemist?
  4. This is typical goldfish behaviour. They suck the algae off them and usually spit them out again. Sometimes they swallow them and if they are the wrong size, they can get stuck and cause a blockage.
  5. Good to know Alan. I have never had a fish with the infectious version (fins crossed), just an old wound that healed over.
  6. - Does your water contain chlorine?* NO - Do you use a dechlorinator?* NO - Do you know where your water comes from, if so do you know the average levels (eg residual chlorine) in your water supply? ARTESIAN SUPPLY (EG. Mine comes from Ardmore and Waikato, and according to the 2013 Water Report their averages are, in mg/L, 1.10, 0.95 and 0.97) - How old is your tank? 12 - 15 years + - Does your use of dechlorinator change based on the "maturity" of the tank? N/A
  7. Caryl

    Drift wood

    If the weight of the rock can break the wood I would question whether it was suitable for the aquarium as it sounds rotten, unless it is fine roots. A rock will only break the tank if you drop it on the glass, or it falls over against the side.
  8. You sometimes find these growths eventually get knocked off and the fish has healed perfectly underneath. If it is eating and acting normally I would be inclined to leave it be. I suspect it injured itself at some point and the injury then developed the fungal growth.
  9. I am still confused as to which group it is you are an active member. :dunno: :-? :oops:
  10. Born this morning - the next generation of fish keepers... Introducing Theodore (Theo) Lucas Emanuel Simpson :love: Named after his great grandfather (my dad)
  11. Caryl

    Hi all

    Welcome. There is plenty of information on the main webpage too.
  12. Picton (there's an aquarium on the waterfront) and the Sounds. Explore Queen Charlotte Drive (watch for idiot tourists in camper vans). Yealands eco winery is interesting even if you don't drink. Pelorus Bridge area. Walk the Vernon Lagoon. Rarangi and White's Bay. Not sure what your interests are.
  13. Whitebait? :dunno: Stella might know.
  14. I disagree The smaller the tank the fewer species you should have. Larger numbers of one type look a lot better than a few of several.
  15. Do not get any short finned varieties as these should be kept in ponds. 120L or 3ft long would be minimum suitable size for an aquarium. I gather plants from the local river so save a fortune when they are uprooted or eaten The fancier types do not destroy plants like the faster, short finned varieties. Make sure you have very good filtration.
  16. There is good group of fish keepers in Christchurch.
  17. Caryl

    Hey there!

    Hi and welcome. You can't get better than Adrienne when it comes to Betta advice
  18. We had a 120L tank which was slightly easier to cool than the 250L but both required daily (sometimes more) input of 3L frozen containers. The poor freezer was running non-stop trying to keep up. This was in a room which could reach 28C in summer and we needed the tank at 15C. The temperature difference was too much. We have since bought a chiller (long after the tank was dismantled - just in case we decided to set it up again) and it will still be in the garage somewhere. Anyone who has seen our garage will understand why I am unsure exactly where :bggrn:
  19. I have a 900mm (width) x 400mm x 300mm (high) Also have other sizes stored in the roof I think (all smaller). Got lots of filters, heaters, gravel (black and dark brown) etc lying about plus lots of other fishy stuff if you ant to come and look.
  20. Fans, Slikka pads or frozen water bottles won't have a hope in summer.
  21. I thought there was already one in that area? They took many of Donna's rescued turtles after the Christchurch earthquake.
  22. I am one of those who would say any short finned goldfish should be in ponds. Even 70L is way too small for goldfish. If you must put them in a tank I would start with a minimum 3ft, 120L and go up from there as they grow.
  23. Could be, or just sorting out the pecking order. I used to breed barbs outside over the summer months so they had plenty of space. I would buy the kiddy pools from the Warehouse (3m diameter high sided ones, about 1m high from memory) then weight down clumps of oxygen weed (gathered free from a nearby river) and fill the pool. Once the temperature had reached a minimum of 25C and stayed relatively high overnight as well, I would add the fish then leave them as long as the weather stayed warm enough. Plenty of insects and other critters would end up in there for food. At the end of summer I could slowly drain the pool and catch the resulting fry, which grow much faster and bigger than tank bred fry. They seemed a lot more colourful too but that may have been because of the large number triggering more realistic behaviour and colour than smaller numbers in smaller tanks.
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