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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. And here was me thinking it was something fish caught from taking too many selfies :slfg:
  2. Yes, rabbits dig! We used to have one in the bottom of our bird aviary and she dug so many huge holes it wasn't funny. Also allowed mice to get in :evil:
  3. Caryl

    sick fish :(

    I must point out that 17L is way too small for 3 goldfish. They are big waste producers. Telling you your tank is too clean so causing those symptoms is ridiculous! It would be interesting to get the aquarium water tested for ammonia and nitrites.
  4. It is messy and expensive if someone dies without having a will. The lawyers get the bulk of it. Try talking about it to your dad, even if you broach it in a roundabout way first. My parents are the opposite. Not only do they both have wills but they have planned their funerals and mum and I are going to design their service sheets too. She is currently picking the pictures she wants shown on a slide show during the service, plus working out which ones she would like on the service sheet. They have also asked who wants what and all 4 of us know what mementos in particular are wanted by which sibling. Of course, I do not see why any child expects to get anything from their parents' when they die. It is not a right. My kids have been warned we are spending all our cash and they can fight each other over the assets (if we haven't sold them all off as well) :thup:
  5. I moved your post here as the tank section does not allow others to post and is to show off your tank only. The fish you want to add will all go well with the others. I love Rhom barbs and you do not see them very often. Personally, I would not add all of those fish though. Not because of overstocking but I think a tank with larger numbers of a few species looks much nicer than smaller numbers of many species. 20 rummy noses, for instance, would look better than 10 rummy noses and 10 cherry barbs. The fish will interact and colour up more if in larger numbers as all are fish who like to be in a large group of their own species.
  6. Gorgeous! You can waste a lot of time watching these things! :bggrn:
  7. Caryl

    Hi from tauranga

    Welcome. Some of us have already had our brains siphoned out totally :smln:
  8. Java posts well in an envelope (in a plastic bag inside of course ;-) ). When you are ready to spawn the next lot of fish, PM me your name and address and I will post down a small amount for free.
  9. I keep getting tonnes of it and it is all pervasive through my tank. It is usually hard to kill and should not be dying quickly. Are there any other plants in your tank? Are they staying alive and well? It is a hardy plant and not fussy to lighting or pH either. I will be in ChCh in August so can bring you a pile of it (if I remember).
  10. I see nothing wrong with you using a GPS if you do not have a smart phone. $80 for maps is way cheaper than buying a phone you may not use for anything else. I would have said only the young think anything other than their precious iphone is obsolete but Ira doesn't fit that category either We have both a Navman (used the most) and a Tomtom (won it). I like the size of the screen on the Navman but recently bought a new car we put a radio/camera etc in and it has an even larger screen GPS on it. Not sure if it gives traffic updates though as I have not yet used it.
  11. I have gathered them out of ponds to feed to fish but not actively bred them. There is plenty of information on how to here
  12. How noisy most airpumps end up being depends on what type of surface you have sat them on. The cheaper and thinner the surface, the noisier the pump. A good solid wood stand - less noise. You can also sit them on a towel or something to reduce the vibration noise but don't clog any air vents it may have underneath. Heater protectors are used by those with big boisterous fish that dislodge or break heaters, or sit on them all the time.
  13. I don't know what the 'correct' thing is to do but I would leave it until it has warmed up somewhat. This will also give the plants a bit more time to establish their roots so be less likely to get pulled out by the fish tugging on them. There will also be more algae and microscopic stuff for the fish to eat when they come out of their semi-hibernation.
  14. Isn't there anyone else in Invercargill who can help? :dunno:
  15. Why not get some used filter media from Godly3vil My suggestion for finding the ammonia would also be a chemist.
  16. Caryl

    hi from chch

    welcome. Good to see some people of Christchurch are still willing to set up aquariums.
  17. Exactly Ira! I may have another go but will not keep doing so. I would rather they died quickly being eaten than died slowly because I was not giving them all they needed.
  18. I am assuming they have kept going Alan but the hospice hasn't told me as I had said the problem would continue anyway.
  19. I am afraid they all died very quickly - as I expected. I do now have all I need if I get another lot of fry though. Haven't heard if the angels have continued producing fry so must go and have a look.
  20. In a pond with goldfish? Most ponds have snails.
  21. And please note this is an old thread
  22. It means your filter is working. When you get too much sludge, give the sponges a light rinse in used tank water then put back in the filter. If you have more than one sponge, only rinse one at a time so you don't destroy all the good bacteria that is living in the sludge.
  23. As said, I am no plant expert so I would not necessarily believe me - except I am 99% sure about the stargrass. The baby tears might be moneywort :roll:
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