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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    I shall! It tastes way superior to the tinned stuff I baked a Lemon Pound Cake today to use up some leftover Greek yoghurt and lemons. Smells lovely here! :thup:
  2. African cichlids seem popular at the moment!
  3. Attacked by a swarm of bees, several of which flew under my head scarf and stung multiple times before we could get them out of my hair. By the time I got into town to the chemist for antihistamine (I am allergic but not so bad I go into anaphylaxis) I was covered in a rash and my head had swollen so far it was hard to get my crash helmet off. Just got home before my eyes swelled totally shut. They stayed swelled shut for 3 days and eating was difficult due to swelling in my throat. Legs and other body parts also swelled as I was stung all over and quite ill for several days.
  4. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Thanks Sophia :love: I assume the "banoffee" is just caramelised condensed milk?
  5. Caryl

    Algae wars

    Nothing will eat the slimy dark green one (cyanobacter). Is there no way to cut the amount of light on it? Pull curtains, put up blinds, put card around the sides of the tank? Plants would help but unless you cut the direct sunlight I fear the algae would take over even the fastest growing plants.
  6. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    That looks delicious! He is a very clever husband and sets a good example to others in the birthday department. Recipe please :bggrn: PS Making your own caremalised condensed milk, called Dulce de leche, is much nicer than buying a tin of caremalised condensed milk. A lot more flavour!
  7. Caryl


    Hi and welcome. There are quite a few African cichlid keepers here so someone will be able to help if required along the way :thup:
  8. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    The slightest twist when lifting may cause a leak, no matter how careful you are.
  9. @aotealotl - I suspect it is an imprinted logo on the underside of the plastic container the fish was in to get its photo taken.
  10. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    It may not have leaked when they sold it but a little stress on the move back to your place could be enough to create one.
  11. Our club had a special meeting to discuss this back in February, having first received information about the changes, and why, some time before that so plenty of notice was given at the time. I believe legal advice was sought and given to go ahead. I suspect it would not matter what date the AGM was held, few would be willing to give their time (and be able to afford the expense) to attend.
  12. I had them in the early '90's and got them from a breeder in Timaru.
  13. An excellent cake and shows they know what is important to you :thup: (Those rocks look tasty )
  14. Caryl


    We have some members in here who also live in Invercargill so should be able to help with local knowledge once you know what you want.
  15. I am sure a fish could choke to death. As it swims about with the leftover hanging from its mouth you have to wonder what is happening to what is on the inside. Other animals slowly dissolve it with stomach acids but not sure how a fish digests or if it has internal muscles to keep the food going down and through.
  16. You have a kitchen bench with heaps of space??? We had a 3ft tank on our bench island years ago - bowed the whole bench so we could not shut the cupboards underneath. We thought it would be ok with the cupboard divider giving central support but it wasn't enough. Not as small as your tank though so I am sure you will not have the same problem, depending on which part of the bench you place the tank, and what is underneath. I would put poly underneath. Makes it easier to move the tank if you need to slide it a bit for any reason (to get at something dropped behind, wipe up a spill etc)
  17. I suspect he meant; Note that is is illegal to collect from reserves/parks Gambusia were a major mistake to release here and have caused problems ever since while never doing the job they were originally brought in for!
  18. I am pleased to hear it wasn't Denny! I was thinking he was in a lot of trouble but probably mistook the axolotl for a rabbit :-?
  19. Caryl

    "The List"

    Currently available or allowed? The above biosecurity lists tells you what is allowed. As to what is currently here, that changes all the time.
  20. Let me slip into something a little more comfortable
  21. Some of you seem to think the idea is to make it impossible for the next person to form a word. This is not so! astute
  22. Yes they do but if this is new behaviour for your particular fish you might want to think about other reasons for this - like low oxygen levels. If they are otherwise fine though I would not worry about it.
  23. One of the guys had this at a BBQ yesterday... I did not have my camera on hand to get a pic of it flying but it flew well (I did not take this pic)
  24. I was thinking more a faulty heaterstat than room temperature.
  25. Fish lie, so don't believe them when they claim they are starving.
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