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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. There are quite a few if Trade Me is anything to go by Sally J, a member of this forum, has a lovely marine tank. If you set up a tank and need rotala I am once more over-run with it!
  2. As they are all franchises, it varies from area to area.
  3. Caryl


    If it is indeed robustum then I suggest you leave it alone so it can get established well again in the wild.
  4. Caryl


    As M robustum is rare to find in the wild, and only in select places, these days bets are good you have not found some. Try using Google as there is a lot of information to find. I found this on the NZCPN site... Features Perennial aquatic herb which if in pools of water is firmly rooted to the bottom. Stems spongy, inflated up to 1.5 m long, emergent portion 300 mm tall, erect to prostrate. Submerged leaves in whorls of (4-)5-7, (15-)20-35 x (4-)6-10 mm finely divided, pectinate with 26-32 pinnae, brown, these diminishing in size toward water surface. Emergent leaves glaucous, tinged red, narrowly ovate to oblong, apex acute, otherwise similar to submerged leaves. Flowers perfect. Sepals 4, ovate to deltoid 0.6-0.8 x 0.5-0.6 mm, petals 4, weakly hooded, 2.5-4 x 1-1.5 mm. Fruits globular to slightly turbinate, 1.5-2 x 2-2.5 mm. Similar Taxa Similar to the naturalised M. aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc. From which it differs by being monoecious (males and females on the same plant), the exposed stems usually pink coloured and by the leaf tipes which are acute rather than blunted ended
  5. Cam I bet you say that to all the boys Looking good! :cophot:
  6. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    :cophot: and great looking aquarium :thup:
  7. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    We have just finished demolishing 43m of fence ready for the new one to be started :happy2:
  8. Grant says, is the multi board warming up at all? Obviously it is within its ratings but if there is a slight fault within the board or one of the plugs plugged into the board, it could be heating the board slightly. If there is heating of the board, especially by the circuit breaker, it will tend to trip at a lower load than normal. There could be slight corrosion on one of the plugs, or the contacts within the board itself may not be putting enough pressure on the plug pins, which could also be a cause of heating. I would not expect this with an HPM board but it could happen.
  9. fmueller you would be most welcome although these days I only have one very ordinary looking tropical tank and a pond.
  10. They are good friends and just like to hang out together. Such behaviour is not unknown among fish of different species, or other animals for that matter.
  11. Dena figures there are many similarities between chest bursting aliens and giving birth in the conventional manner :slfg: We also played Pin Sigourney Weaver on the Alien Egg. :bggrn: (Oh, and watched the chest bursting scene from the film. I had never seen it so was most interested)
  12. I went to my daughter in law's baby shower today and made the cake to fit the theme - the first Alien movie...
  13. Welcome to Aotearoa! Don't forget that there is a lot of beautiful country south of the Bombay Hills If you ever head to the South Island, you are welcome to visit 8)
  14. Caryl


    They cost a lot more. I think most feed them once a week or so as a treat.
  15. You can share the link from Photobucket. Click the little cog at the top right of your pic, select Share Links, then click on the IMG code and it auto copies it then paste it here. :thup:
  16. Caryl


    I would have said that was fine, assuming the food is good quality. Not sure if the blood worms are needed 2x weekly though.
  17. At least you should now be awake - and stabilised! :gigl:
  18. I like to give it a quick wash and scrub to get any wee critters off it who might get upset at suddenly finding their home flooded. My driftwood came from the mouth of the Hokitika River. Lovely rata that floated down stream then lay, waterlogged already, on the beach.
  19. Caryl

    Green water

    You are possibly correct. The move has upset the balance in the tank and working out what is different will help decide what can be done to correct it.
  20. Caryl

    New to FNZAS

    Hi Ashley and welcome If you don't know where to get any polystyrene from, try and shop that sells fridges and freezers. They arrive in boxes surrounded by large sheets of the stuff. You have to get to them before they break it up and throw it out.
  21. Also, what substrate is in the tank? I understand axies have a habit of swallowing small stones.
  22. Caryl

    pond plants

    Perhaps if you said what plants you had to offer in the swap it would help.
  23. kaycee rings a bell so I think you remembered correctly 8) Welcome back.
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