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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Some fish are more sensitive to changes than others. Also, it you did not have as much flow going on at the lower levels, it would affect those fish more perhaps.
  2. Welcome. BikBok that is the usual time you get out of Bettas.
  3. Caryl

    Hi all :)

    Welcome back Amy. We look forward to pics of the progress as the tank is set up.
  4. You could also join your local fish club A lot of nearby interactive help at your doorstep. I believe Camtang, on these forums, is a member of the Tasman Aquarium Club.
  5. Caryl

    Wilson's back

    Definitely exciting times then. Good memories for you too. :thup:
  6. Caryl

    Wilson's back

    and back in Christchurch I see. What have you been up to overseas? Anything exciting?
  7. The central clump was sold for $80. Overall I made $125 for the hospice and they were very pleased. The majority of the plants are still there of course. I was also given 3 angels with another lot coming from Wellington next week :happy2: Many thanks to those who bought plants or donated fish :love:
  8. Caryl

    DIY pleco food

    I thread mine onto an old plastic knitting needle with a small fishing sinker to keep it down.
  9. Note the yellow flag iris is poisonous to humans and other animals. I believe it may also be a pest plant in some regions so check with your council. I have hebes along one edge of my pond and they look lovely too. As do flaxes, although they end up looking messy and get caught up in mower blades.
  10. Gunnera, Chilean rhubarb, is gorgeous. We have a big lot of it growing on a small island in the middle of the stream that runs through a local park but it has invaded coastal cliffs, stream margins, wetlands and slip faces with the large leaves shading out natives. You need to check with your local council to determine its status in your area. As alternatives, the National Pest Plant Accord suggests you look at Swamp Astelia, Astelia grandis, or Chinese rhubarb, Rheum palmatum. :thup:
  11. To answer your water question, we siphoned out as much as we could with the pump then used square edged buckets to scoop out the rest.
  12. We just cleared out 7 years of sludge. The pump couldn't handle it. We emptied the whole pond then shovelled and bucketed out the muck. Why do you need to remove any islands? I would leave them be. Some suitable plants around the outer edge that trail into, or hang over, the water would soften the pond edge.
  13. Caryl


    I bought ours from Trade Me. Never got around to using it. It will be in the garage somewhere but :dunno:
  14. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Back you go then!! Go On! Hurry up! Tea's getting cold.
  15. and cross your fingers they are fertile ;-)
  16. Caryl


    They should live 35 years+ :-(
  17. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    She said she'd see you "in a week". The week is not up yet
  18. Caryl

    Hi Everyone

    Binklebonk. I think you are the first fish keeping goblin in the forums :dnc1:
  19. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Feel free to stop over at our place on the way through Sophia ;-)
  20. I rarely go to the cinema but last week went to see Philomena (because I had 2 free tickets :bggrn: ) An excellent film I would recommend. Of course nothing like the types of programmes being discussed recently but anything with Dame Judi Dench in it has to be good.
  21. It started with a small piece out of my own tank. Some have attached to the gravel and the others to logs or ceramics. I have sold one clump and a couple of pieces and also have some more angels coming next week, kindly donated, so the hospice is going to be thrilled with the addition of new fish and the cash from selling some plants. :dnc1: :happy1: The ones in my tank are only half the size of these! :dunno:
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