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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. How widespread is Xtra's problem? We lost internet and email about 10pm last night. Got internet back this morning but still no email.Tried to get a status report via Xtra's website but got; Website maintenance Unfortunately the www.telecom.co.nz website is unavailable right now as we are upgrading our system between the hours of 08:00 and 14:00pm 29 November. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
  2. What about baby tears, Bacopa?
  3. Caryl

    Dwarf flags

    How can salt trigger spawning? They are freshwater fish. All salt does is irritates the fish's skin and makes it produce more mucus in an attemt to get rid of it.
  4. Caryl


    How does it annoy others being in the coldwater section? :-?
  5. Don't try to alter the pH with pH Down!!! 7.8 is fine and, as said, will probably lower naturally as the tank matures.
  6. Dixon it is possible the automatic spray is affecting your granddad's asthma. Was it as bad before he got the sprayer? If not, it would be simple to stop the can spraying for a couple of weeks and see if the asthma improves. Asthmatics can be affected by all sorts of sprays.
  7. I have 4 bright white or daylight tubes (cheapest) and run them several years. When I get around to changing them, and I do them all at once, I get an algae breakout as there is so much more light in the tank. Staggering the change would be the answer.
  8. Have they laid them out in the open? BNs usually choose caves or under driftwood to lay their eggs. I have never tried to move dad and eggs so can't help you there. I found dad usually defended the eggs very well (but then mine also had them in a totally defensible area too :roll: ) and other fish didn't seem too keen to munch on BN fry (maybe the spikes have something to do with it). Why don't you leave this lot and see how they go?
  9. Snobbish no, but if someone doesn't know the answer they won't reply either
  10. Hmm I might go plant some by my waterfall outside in the pond and see how it goes.
  11. I too say it looks like heater burn and the pink indicates it is healing. Keep the water as clean as possible and it should be fine. You can get heater guards to go around the heaterstats so they don't burn the fish.
  12. Daphnia change colour depending on what they have been eating.
  13. Caryl

    vinegar eels

    I tried to get some a few years ago and couldn't find anyone who knew of anyone culturing them.
  14. Thanks Dimsum. I managed to follow that and get rid of the little car. lmsmith; I only have this phone cos I won it. I make a rare text on it, otherwise don't need a mobile at all. It takes me about 6 months to get through a $20 prepaid thing
  15. I have the phone mentioned in the title and now it is truly mobile. A little car has appeard on the main screen next to the network strength bars and I don't know what it means (or how it got there). It is not listed in the manual as a status bar icon but appears where those things do. Anyone know what it is telling me? :-? Obviously I pressed on the wrong bit when sending a txt earlier (the only thing I do with the phone) but I don't know what.
  16. Depends on the plant. Some are sold as "bunch plants" and like to be planted in groups of several stems (Rotala, hygrophila etc) others like a lot of space to spread (many of the swords that are often used as "centrepieces"). Look to how the spread out at the tips. If they stay thin, plant closer together, plant bushier ones further apart.
  17. Tiger lotus; medium to bright light. More compact growth with bright light. wysteria; needs strong light stargrass; likes strong light amazon swords? different swords have different light requirements I think crypts need medium to strong lighting 2 types of anubias, on with whitish green leaves the other is just green; Medium lighting this thing that has kinda prickly sides, its like a grass, really weird. - sounds like it is not a true aquatic and will die eventually whatever the lighting.
  18. Hmm not sure I can help but I do have some comments. The only thing I could find about black spots was; 1. Fish has suffered a chemical burn and is now healing. Check water conditions. 2. A parasitic infection by flatworms called Uvilifer ambloplitis. It requires an immediate host though (like birds) and is only found in ponds. Neither of these seems to fit your fish. When a fish suddenly develops identical lesions I immediately assume it has been chased, or frightened, into a space too small for it to fit and it has damaged itself in the attempt to escape. Do you have an ornament it used to fit into easily but is now too big to do so? I do not know anything about algae treatments but wonder if it is affecting the fish. I have heard of it doing so but do not know what the symptoms are. Goldfish do not object to current so, unless they are trying to hover as far away from the flow as possible, it won't be stressing them.
  19. Sounds like the normal price to me. They are not difficult to buy most of time and are readily available at many lfs. Also, read the guidelines please; No posts are to be made with the intention of forming a bulk purchase or import by invite to meet a minimum order quantity Clown loaches are happier in groups and grow large (though slowly) so you need a good sized tank to house them. They are also susceptible to white spot so need excellent water conditions at all times. Good luck with your search.
  20. I am not very ball-like at all :lol: (any more) I didn't realise they were goldish and not tropical so ignore the temperature advice :roll: I don't think oxygen shells do a lot and are a waste of money. The pump will help them while they are in the bucket for an extended period but I thought it was only going to be a few hours?
  21. Caryl

    The Circle of Life

    Good to see you Jenna. 8)
  22. If the transition period is short ( a few hours at most) an oxygen shell is not needed. I would never use one anyway. You can add dechlorinator to the water to get rid of it immediately or leave it 24 hours. A little bit of chlorine shouldn't hurt. Yes it is bad for a fish to be in a bucket too long if it without water changes or a filter - and a heayerstat depending on room temperature. Was the fish sick before it was put in the bucket? It would help if your hospital tank had a filter, which is different to a pump but what I suspect you mean. Frequent water changes will do the job though. The water may smell a little musty or have a slight smell. If it smells a lot I suspect a lot of crud in the substrate is to blame and a good vacuum of the gravel with a siphon would be in order.
  23. and does he? (squeek that is)
  24. Caryl

    hey everyone

    Wow, talk about ressurecting an old post! :lol: Good to hear the club is still going. I attended quite a few of their meetings when they were still affiliated to the FNZAS. A very friendly group with an interesting selection of fish at that time. I remember daphnia fishing with Gary in the local botanical gardens and a couple of delicious club meals at Ian's. 8)
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