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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Personally I think teachers are fairly paid but the teacher aides are definitely not! In some cases I know of personally the teacher has the aide doing the teachers' work but at the lower wages of an aide.
  2. Those little red anemones are common along the Kaikoura coast and I had them in my cold water marine too. A lovely little anemone.
  3. I too was surprised at the temperature drop in just an hour - unless the house is an old, uninsulated, very cold, one.
  4. Missed us. We have had heavy showers but we have been having them almost daily for some time now. It is windy but no more so than usually at this time of year as we head into the nor-westers. :roll:
  5. Occasionally certain species can be found in fish shops but your best bet is to join the killie club. They do good deals for club members.
  6. Thanks navarre :lol: Never occurred to me as I don't think any of them are worthy of submisison.
  7. Welcome. There are a number of killiphiles here who can answer any killie questions you may have
  8. I had a similar thing going on :lol:
  9. I assume the leaves in that pic don't go with the flower P44?
  10. I think my plant is what they call mini sagittaria (although it is now very tall). It has flowered. Does this help the plant gurus confirm what it actually is please?
  11. Caryl


    Welcome Jaime. You might find fish keeping a bit frustrating in NZ after keeping them elsewhere :-?
  12. Yes there are. Do you plan to buy a commercial aquarium substrate?
  13. If you send in an article (and it is published) you get a free copy of the magazine I look forward to seeing it - with pics :bounce: :lol:
  14. I left for work 10 minutes early so got it in the post (and yours navarre) this morning
  15. Caryl

    Hi :)

    Hi and welcome
  16. Yours was one of the ones posted a day later I think Ryan.
  17. Caryl

    Hi from AKL

    It's too late - you are already addicted :lol:
  18. You got them already??? As said, I only posted them yesterday. A few more were posted this morning (I had printer issues) and Bilbo's will be posted on Thursday as I can't get to the PO before then and only just got his address. We also thank Central Fishkeepers for deciding to support us by affiliating
  19. Yes he could. It could be constipation or an infection of the anal area. Perhaps a bath in Epsom Salts may help.
  20. You can get circular under gravel filter plates too. Fancy goldfish aren't easier, they are just more suitable. Comets are short tailed fish that require a lot of length in which to swim as they are very active. They can't do this in a round bowl. The fancy goldfish, fantails, google eyed, orandas etc do not swim much, or fast, so don't need the length to do so. If you decide on no filter I suggest you use a lot of live plants. Hopefully there is enough lighting to keep them alive. I would suggest about 10L daily (a bucket) change to start with. May need to be increased as the fish grow. They will grow (do not believe the myth that they only grow to the size of the container) albeit more slowly and will produce even more waste as they get bigger.
  21. The bowl is really not suitable for 3 goldfish. Does it have to be goldfish? I assume it needs to be coldwater so what about leopardfish or white cloud minnows instead? Goldfish are very messy and, as said, would not do well without a filter or daily water changes. If the boss is set on goldfish and doesn't care about their welfare so much, get the fancy ones that just hang about with droopy tails, not comets. Is the 80 - 100L when it is filled to the top? Ideally it should just be filled to the widest part to give maximum surface area.
  22. The Timaru Aquarium Soc. does not belong to the FNZAS.
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