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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. We welcome even the slow ones Skip A reminder to all that joining this forum does not make you a member of the FNZAS. To do that you must be a paid-up member of an affiliated club :bounce:
  2. I have added this to my list of non-MAC members to receive our newsletter thanks Jim. 8) Would like to regularly receive your own club newsletters too
  3. Caryl

    very sick oranda

    Treat as Lynda suggests. What size thank are they in? I assume both are in the same one. How often were you doing water changes before they got sick? Whitespot is often caused by stress and this can be a result of poor, or incorrect, water conditions. How long have you had these fish?
  4. We don't have a "rule" but it is generally agreed that if you get something for free then you pass on the results for free also. When it comes to breeding from some fish that were given to you though (especially if they continue to breed regularly) I see no reason you can't sell some but also give some to someone else who would like them but is not in a position to buy them themselves. I give away a lot of plants. All I ask, when I hand them over, is that the recipient continues to pass resulting cuttings on to others also in need. It is now referred to, as smidey said, as "paying it forward" but this is just another way of saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Matthew 7:12 I believe for the religiously minded) On a similar subject though, nobody like a newbie who, in their first few posts, starts asking for free stuff! Free stuff should be offered, not requested.
  5. How do you think they compare, pet-wise, to maroon belly conures Jennifer?
  6. Do you know a maroon belly conure breeder? Why do you think the Quaker would be better?
  7. Not sure if there are many to be found in NZ - and I hate to think what one costs!
  8. Pepper was a maroon belly and we loved him. Sun conures are too noisy.
  9. You could be right. A website I looked at had stated "Breeding season is looming with chicks expected at the end of August". I have emailed them to see if they are breeding conures again this year, as they were not sure when I last asked them. They specialise in cockatiels but did rear a few conures last season.
  10. I thought the conures wouldn't be hatching until November. Must check into a couple of dealers I have in mind.
  11. That is why I did the puzzle now - no cat, and before we replace the bird
  12. You would not keep fast types in an 83L tank. Only the fancy, slow moving goldfish would be suitable.
  13. Glued and mounted on the wall make them a really good talking point though!
  14. We glue it, get it framed then hang it. It is the 2nd one of that size we have done.
  15. Easier said than done when he has never met most of the managers. His immediate boss I think he has only met once, if at all. One of his manager was his boss ofr 2 years before he met him and even then the man didn't seem to realise Grant was an employee under his jurisdiction :roll: . All communication is by email and the occasional phone call.
  16. I see what you mean now. I thought you meant the fish graphic.
  17. Send it to Zev and ask her to do it for you
  18. The one in the AW? I can pdf it for you.
  19. Caryl

    Copper Pipes

    Breakaway it was a freshwater tropical.
  20. Grant now tells me he is not a contractor, he is a "casual employee" :roll: If this is what he does casually I hate to think how many hours they would expect from a full timer! He will get the back pay - eventually. They have a separate accounts dept and there seems to be a communication breakdown :roll:
  21. Josh did you just sign up with Auckland Fishkeepers? I know they had 3 sign up last meeting and those 3 will get the August magazines as soon as I have all the details. I too don't like the cover for the same reason as Zev and Jennifer but at $1.50 or so less per mag I will put up with it. I can print my own glossy ones anyway :lol: I don't know what lines Zev refers to in the graphic though. The only lines I can see are the wriggly ones that are supposed to be there in the fins
  22. He is not on a fixed term contract. It is supposed to be reviewed annually but isn't. His problem is more he's quiet, nice guy who doesn't stand up for himself (although has confidence in his abilities) and won't say no when they ask him to do something. Others flatly refuse but he will give anything a go :roll: The last time they tried to change his contract, so he had to use one of their vehicles instead of his own, he said "OK, I resign then" and suddenly they were backtracking and saying they would leave it as it is. He is the only subby working for them that uses his own vehicle. 8)
  23. Caryl

    Copper Pipes

    There can be if sediment is disturbed. Club members had their kitchen done up and the next time he did a water change it killed the fish. I think some marine fish are sensitive to copper.
  24. I am the opposite to you Bilbo, I like all that other mint stuff but loathe mint chocolate, strong mints and mint flavoured toothpaste :lol: It rained here heavily overnight (AGAIN) and my walk this morning included trying to dodge all the drying worms spread over the footpath :-?
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