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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Hi Siona. Since there are large eels in there your pond, or lake, is not bereft of life at all. Not only the eels, but the eels must feed on something. Where's Stella? She is our native expert and may have a better idea of what else to look for. I gather the stream does not connect to the pond/lake? BigBossPants may have the right idea re the difference between the two.
  2. Caryl

    fish bowl

    Does it have to be coldwater? I would have thought minnows or guppies were simple. A fighter? cherry barb? leopardfish?
  3. OK so it is all the new fish that have died? Several things occur to me... 1. Your tank parameters are very different to what they were used to. This is unlikely as you have had them a week and I would expect them to die faster if this was the cause. 2. They already had an infection when you bought them. Better hope it has not spread to the other inhabitants. 3. Your original fish have some sort of bacteria they are immune to but your new fish are not. In that case no amount of quarantine would help.
  4. I never medicate anything (including myself) if I can possibly help it. Too many things are becoming resistant to medications these days.
  5. I keep trying to tell people one big group looks a lot better than several smaller groups Good to see someone listened to such an idea and went with it :happy1:
  6. Are we encouraging fishy obesity here? :tears: Perhaps next we will have a fishy Biggest Loser :sml2:
  7. A lot of fish don't school properly unless they are in a really big group. I don't think 3 schools will all school in 3 different, specific groups. I too would suggest a single large group of harlequins. These fish are amazing to look at as they colour up a lot more in a much bigger group than if you just have 10 - 20 of them.
  8. Hi Rob and welcome. There must be more than one Rob in WAS now? WAS - Waikato Aquarium Society I am assuming
  9. Caryl

    platy breeds

    Anything between 24 - 27C.
  10. As said, gouramis and fighters are not compatible and you need to re-home the clowns although they will be fine until next year as they are very slow growers. I would not add any more fish to the tank.
  11. Caryl

    platy breeds

    They are probably pregnant and can drop fry every 4 - 6 weeks.
  12. The answer is obvious - grass carp! :slfg:
  13. They are on Organism's latest fish list. Best shop too!
  14. Some skeptics in the States are making big money from those who are sure they are among the chosen few. Their animals can't go with them so some skeptics said that since they obviously were not going to be chosen, for a fee they would look after the animals of those who were. Payment in advance. Apparently they are making a lot of money!!! I was discussing the "rapture" with the other receptionist at work on Friday when the Dr said, "One of our patients has been caught up by all this" I said "You mean they think the world will end?" He replied "Well, I got a call from the Emergency Department this morning saying that (insert name here) is there with an irreducible rupture. Isn't that what you are talking about?" He does love a pun :slfg:
  15. Yeah sure! Blame the frogs :roll:
  16. Napier Aquarium does sleepovers too
  17. Looking good. It is interesting to see photos of how it has developed over time. I think it is a shame the moss has overtaken the driftwood completely as I liked the look of the wood appearing out the top in the earlier pics. I would also trim that red rotala and put some on the right to hide the filter more.
  18. I would love it if I only had to travel half an hour to get to a lfs :roll:
  19. That sounds good! Whenever we asked we were told it was national store policy not to allow posters like that (or they said they did not have the wall space - and a lot of them don't).
  20. Hmm looks like a fungal infection of some sort. Not whitespot. Whitespot looks like the fish has been sprinkled with salt. Some gouramis can get nasty (especially at night when you aren't looking). Otherwise, perhaps it is a domination thing with another platy. Perhaps it is being chased by something into, or through, a tight space and this is causing injuries on top of the head and to the fins. Fungus can be a secondary infection that grows on recent wounds. I would separate it (float it in the tank in an ice cream container, bowl etc) and treat with a fungal med. These are available at pet shops.
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