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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. It is with great sadness I have learned of the death of another FNZAS Life Member, Eddie Bowen. Eddie used to belong to the Marlborough Aquarium Club before I was born! An enthusiastic conference attendee for many years, conferences won't be the same without him On the bus trips, our other recently late LM, John Eastwood, would always buy Eddie the biggest ice cream in a cone he could get as he knew Eddie loved ice cream and always enjoyed the treat very much. For many years now Eddie has resided in Christchurch, the past few years in St Nicholas' Hospital, after a stroke. He had another stroke last week and did not recover. Our condolences go to his family at this time. His death notice was in today's Press and will be in tomorrow's as well with funeral details. Any local club members able to attend, please do so.
  2. A friend was woken in the night by a consistent bang bang bang sound. When she investigated she found the cat, with a large rat in its mouth, trying to get through the catflap. The rat was too wide and the noise was the sound of the rat hitting the door as the cat tried repeatedly to come inside with its dinner. :sick:
  3. I have heard oil works well. Does it slowly slide down the glass over time?
  4. No need to waste money if you already have a tank up and running. The above suggestions are all easy - split existing media or run new filter on old tank for a month.
  5. I would think that anyone who could breed rummys would be doing so in very large numbers and supplying shops. If so, they would not undercut those places by selling cheaper to hobbyists. Having said that, I believe there is a breeder in ChCh known for breeding many species, rummys are one of them.
  6. What a difference! No wonder people have trouble identifying these fish :roll:
  7. He might be a bit busy at the moment
  8. I can't even use a calculator. That is what Grant is for (among other things) 4th grade math is beyond me :dunno:
  9. Good to see you are merely changing direction and not giving up
  10. You haven't been looking at his tanks through rose tinted glasses have you? :lol:
  11. Caryl

    Hi :)

    Welcome. There is good and bad advice everywhere. Best thing to do is research first. If you approach people the right way to offer corrections you won't get kicked out of the stores. Attitude and behaviour is important I have often corrected a shop assistant whose advice I have believed to be incorrect and have never had a problem. I have sometimes been listened to, then ignored or disaagreed with, but never kicked out.
  12. See if you can get him to eat some cooked, shelled pea. Failing that, do a search for dosage rates for an Epsom Salts bath.
  13. Welcome. Good to hear another parent and child enjoying a hobby together.
  14. I too have had tanks in the lounge with partial lids and never been able to smell them. I wonder if it makes a difference if you live in a damp house to start with, or high humidity areas?
  15. You can certainly use a HOB for a tank that size. For instance, AquaClear have the following... Numbers reading across are; Aquarium size in litres / US Gals / litres per hour / US gals per hour AquaClear Mini 75 20 378 100 AquaClear 150 113 30 567 150 AquaClear 200 189 50 757 200 AquaClear 300 378 100 1135 300 AquaClear 500* 567 150 1892 500
  16. Don't forget Grant and I are driving up so if anyone needs picking up along the way, let us know
  17. You will get your sleep back once the kids leave home
  18. Aren't we suposed to be stopping bullies?
  19. With glaziers the price can vary a lot depending on whether they have an offcut they can use or if they have to cut it off a full sheet. Ask around. Hmmm, perhaps I should collect some lids from Donna and bring them to conference?! Anyone else needing them? I have family, and a neighbour, travelling to and from ChCh regularly and will be driving to the Tauranga conference in an Odyssey so plenty of room for a few lids.
  20. Looking good Jargo and welcome. What size is the tank?
  21. My Fluvals were not silent. Not too noisy but definitely not silent :-?
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