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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I would never keep golds or albinos in with the brown as they would interbreed and ruin the colour lines.
  2. ... is today at 8a Faulkland Drive, Blenheim, 2pm. We will be looking at photos taken on our recent combined outing to the Mapua Aquarium with the Tasman Aquarium Club and also photos from conference. Delegates will be giving a run-down on what happened over conference weekend, what was discussed, and what is hoped for in the future. We will also be looking at this web site and showing members how to use it to its full potential. We will be navigating our way around the home page and Members' Only areas so they can see how important it is for club secretaries or treasurers to get the club capitations in ASAP. Until they are received, members will not have access to these areas. It will also be an opportunity to register our club president as, until she has done so, she won't be able to see the Members' Only areas even after her capitation has been received! We will also be nibbling on scones, pikelets and cream plus, possibly, other goodies :spop:
  3. Caryl

    This or that

    Tigger osteopath or chiropractor? :-?
  4. Caryl


    Or they have a really bad case of white spot :lol:
  5. You're not in Guatemala now Dr Ropati! Try another one
  6. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Doesn't take much does it? :slfg: What did you do? I delivered some newsletters I had printed off for the Woodworkers' Guild then had lunch with friends. Since I had a lovely roast lunch Grant can cook something for himself tonight. The place we met for lunch had 2 desserts for the price of 1 so since 1 friend wanted a dessert I got the other as a takeout for Grant later (a brandy snap and 2 serves of sticky date pudding). I then spent the rest of the afternoon working on another newsletter for a different group.
  7. In that case it must be... "Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog" :roll: If someone else wants to come up with a new puzzle then feel free :dunno:
  8. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    He didn't recognise you then? :sml1:
  9. Caryl

    4 months

    Welcome to the fishroom. We look forward to you posting pics I am a little intrigued at the "zero nitrates, ammonia or nitrate". Ammonia and nitrItes should be 0 but there should be something showing for nitrAtes.
  10. Don't be stupid, that would upset his centre of gravity! A 4ft would go in the front basket! :slfg:
  11. How about producing a care sheet like we have for other reptiles? That way all can see and then decide if getting a Hermann's is right for them.
  12. So you have no way of knowing what your baby gecko will look like when it is fully grown?
  13. Here's a dumb question from someone who knows nothing about these animals - do they stay those colours or do they change as they age?
  14. That made me laugh out loud, just what I needed. I do not now why people love those spray and walk away ads. They are dreadful!!! :facepalm:
  15. :love: It doesn't matter when the article arrives as it can just go into whichever magazine I have currently on the go at the time
  16. Live healthily and the weight loss will follow slowly and naturally. As said, fitness is more important. I tried the gym for 2 years and hated it as much at the end as I did in the beginning, despite the trainer saying I would come to love it. I now walk a lot, or bike, for my exercise and it is something I enjoy.
  17. Gareth and Dena said it felt huge to them in Belfast and it even upset the dog, which the others haven't. They had to take her out of her crate and let her run around outside for a minute before she would calm down.
  18. My med comment was for mcrudd as hers are temporary. If you are on something like prednisone then I don't think there will be much you can do about the weight gain as a result Ask your Dr.
  19. Just hold out until you are able to do more exercises again and your body has recovered from the meds. Don't expect major weight loss until then but don't use it as an excuse to eat either. Before opening your mouth ask yourself what you are stuffing in it and are you really hungry or is it habit? Try writing down everything you eat, I find it helps. I assume you have changed to low fat options too? (I am a Weight Watcher lifetime member who lost 30kg and has kept it off for 8 years now)
  20. Many insurance policies do not cover aquariums, plants or fish lost (or some equipment). The fund is to help those, when they are ready, to take up the hobby again and replace those aquatic things not covered by insurance or EQC.
  21. Hmm I have some pics of Ira. I wonder if I should post one or two... :gigl:
  22. Caryl

    Filter wool

    What about fire retardant? I thought it was compulsory in dacron and fillers now?
  23. :lol: Someone used to have an avatar that said "Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies!" :happy2:
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