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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. I hardly fed my fish during the time between EQ and like a week ago. Fed them maybe 2 or 3 times. No problem.
  2. DennisP

    some pics

    :happy1: Picture Threads are great. Some nice photos there. Where was this?
  3. Juwel tank Broke in the 22nd quake, so only had the 60L left. Had a bit of spillage from that in my room. We got a few new cracks around the house and lost power temporarily. I'm fine though....
  4. Kribs will almost definitely spawn. But also, you're angel fish should keep control of the numbers of baby fish...
  5. Earthquake + fish tank water ruined my laptop... Got a new one now though.
  6. What plants are you talking about? Stems? Swords? everything?
  7. Should be okay. When it comes to breeding time you may run into problems, but with only 3 pairs in a 300L tank that should also be fine.
  8. I've had this in my tank a while ago. Ignored it, had no noticeable side effects, and it went away.
  9. DennisP


    Strange colour. You probably wont know what you got until they grow more. Also young discus stunt easy etc etc
  10. Slowly remove it from the water. Give him a chance to get out???
  11. I started last thursday. Was a little excited to get back. Get to see everybody, lots of "study" - AKA do nothing - periods, and lunch time leave. Apart from that, school is boring as per usual. If only school started an hour later. The extra sleep in would make it so much more enjoyable.
  12. could be green from too much light from the window behind. The tannins take a while to really build up and they get more and more intense. I'm not too sure on the bamboo sticks though. Would look nice with a big piece of driftwood in the center.
  13. I too heard that they put in chemicals in badly affected areas eg avonside, kaipoi. I myself have had no problems.
  14. Calcium build up??? Like in showers???
  15. Yeah, go with small twiggy driftwood. But only a TINY TINY TINY amount. For contrast and/or focus point
  16. Would Look good with a few nice dark, large, smoothish rocks and a small piece of dark driftwood.
  17. Turn it on? Don't even know what you're asking.
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