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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Thanks, But how do I go about actually getting the fish picked up/sent? Can I go through a post shop? Do I need to get the courier to come to me? etc etc
  2. - 1/3 Water to oxygen ratio in bag - 1 Fish per bag? (Dwarf puffers) - Heatpack - Where do I get one? - Poly Box - Package with newspaper - Use NZ Couriers - Make account on website and book a pick up time? Or drop at post shop? This part I am unsure of.
  3. +1 She'd be brave to show herself now though..
  4. I for one understood what you were saying
  5. Yeah, I have E-mailed Cam... But he does take his time to respond.
  6. I'm after a nice/inexpensive wooden cabinet to be made over summer for a 140L/90x40x40cm tank. Does any body have experience in terms of the cost of getting one made? And along the same lines, does anybody in the chch region WANT to make me one? I will pay of course.
  7. I keep my 2 in a tank with some ottos. The ottos are completely fine, puffers aren't interested at all.
  8. I am considering an in-line heater because I plan to make a custom background for my tank and I feel it would save a lot of potential problems. Questions are: - cost vs benefit - effectiveness - reliability (good brands?) - cost. - availability any experiences? (I think I read the other day that SamH bought one from somewhere IIRC?)
  9. Yeah, I've had a look on nz couriers website. Dimensions of 71x45x45 exceed their limit and even when make the volume smaller I'm looking at $165. Hardly worth the cost. What are alternatives of shipping tanks? Besides getting someone to drive the length of the country? I can't think of any really.. Maybe a courier company specializing in big stuff?
  10. I would certainly be interested. Just not at the point... No where to put them. I am at this point researching my options for my summer project
  11. True. From my experience MTS never touched my plants.
  12. I suppose MTS will do. I find a tank more interesting if it is more of an ecosystem rather than just a method of displaying fish
  13. Great answer :thup: I get the feeling apple snails will be a no-no if I want any plants. I only really want 1 or 2 this time around so I imagine the snails will munch them down pretty quick Are there any interesting snail alternatives?
  14. Good selection so far... What are the price tags on these guys?
  15. Sailfin pleco it is! How many do you think I could get away with? Perhaps 5? :slfg: :facepalm:
  16. Besides the Bristlenose and his close family (starlight, rio ucayali?), what are the smaller sized plecos we have readily available to us in NZ? Something suitable for a 60-75cm tank
  17. Considering apple snails for my next tank. After a quick search, there appears to be many different species of "Apple Snail" - some of which are more likely to eat plants. What are the kind we get here? Is there a difference between Apple snails and mystery snails? And how likely are they to eat plants like Swords, Cabomba, Dwarf Sag, Hairgrass etc? Also how likely are they to wander out of a tank with no lid? I'm sure these questions have been asked and answered many many times... But the search feature didn't give me what I needed
  18. Kiwi born - Half German, 19 years
  19. Nice tank :thup: What is the tall plant you were using at the beginning?
  20. We've had a few bank folk come speak to us this year. (I live in a student hall). It's been the same $1 a day or $5 a week etc. etc. I suppose p44 knows what he is talking about too
  21. Yup $1 a day insurance is how they try to sell it... But $10-15 for power for a 100L tank sounds good. 100l sounds like a nice size too for some apistos etc
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