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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. I think it'd be best to bring the temperature up slowly. If they're alive now, they should stay alive. It'll be pretty obvious which ones aren't coping well. Look out for white spot in the tank in the next few days as well as other diseases.
  2. Redwood isn't too keen on shipping fish at this time of year. Which I can understand. Its no hurry, I can bring them down myself in a month, but if anyone is coming down and knows how to look after them for the trip I would be happy for someone to bring them down. I was going to get them sent down, but then it snowed on the day I was going to get them sent so I guess I dodged a bullet there. I know that theoretically it shouldn't be a problem, but I'd rather not risk it.
  3. Still looking. Is anyone coming down this week?
  4. Still looking. Preferably this week or early next week. Thanks
  5. True. And shipping down here shouldn't take more than a day. I think I will.
  6. I'm looking to bring down some apistogramma from redwood aquatics but she isn't too keen on shipping at this time of year. Would anyone be available to bring them down for me? Otherwise, would it be safe weather wise to courier them down?
  7. :thup: Just sent redwood an email. Hopefully I can grab me some.
  8. I can only hope we will get an import available next month or something. But that's just speculation from what John at organism said. Also livebearer, check redwood aquatics. I just looked before and they had some half beaks available.
  9. I've been looking for some for a while. I've been checking the suppliers list at my lfs but there is nothing. Hollywood don't have any. Redwood don't have any. Organism who usually have some don't have any (last time I called was a few weeks ago but he said he won't be getting any until June I think) I thought they were quite common in shops so why have they all run out?
  10. I think We're lacking on both river and woody fronts down here. I don't really know where to look.
  11. Thanks. I think I'd like to swap the sticks for some more root looking sticks. But I don't know where to find any.
  12. The chance would be very low. I'm not good with my camera but from what I gather low light = slower shutter = blurry photo. I could use a flash but that results in horrible photos. If anyone knows any tips I am all ears.
  13. Quick update to see how the tank has progressed. Without many plants the tank doesn't really change much over time. But somehow it still manages to. :sml2: I swapped out the Lampeye tetra for some (15ish) ember tetra. I wanted the tank to look bigger than it is, and the ember tetra help with that. Some are colouring up nicely, yet some are still quite dull/silvery. My Red (yet very brown) whiptail is eating again. I've managed to feed him some white worms from some tweezers. Cories are doing well too. I am still on the hunt for some apistos though! :evil: I'll upload a video soon because I'm not really that good at using my camera.
  14. If a. Flatmate was staying here there wouldn't be a problem. But unfortunately no one will be here for 3 weeks. I would only feed the fish once a day at most anyway. The feeder linked above would be good. Hopefully it's affordable.
  15. Sorry for late reply. The tank is my 54L biotope. I will do a big water change before I go, and potentially might come back down to change it once. The tank should be lightly stocked at the time. 6 Cories, 15 ish ember tetra, bristlenose, and a whiptail. I could get one from trademe I guess. I'm in a flat, so letting someone in to feed the fish needs to be okay with everyone, not to mention everyone I know will be out of town for the holidays as well.
  16. Originally I thought I'd buy one of those Juwel automatic feeds, but they are $80 which isn't really worth it for three weeks. Does anyone have any ideas?
  17. Personally, I would go with light sand. Have a look at your local hardware store for some. Most sand they have is fine. Then I would go to a landscaping shop, have a look for a whole lot of interesting yet appropriate rocks (like you would imagine could be laying on the lakebed). Then I would simply arange 2 or 3 feature rocks in a position that looks appealing - try the rule of thirds, or the golden ratio. Then scatter other smaller rocks around the feature rocks to make it appear natural while also creating lots of hiding places. But that is just what I would do.
  18. The fish died today. A little sad, I was thinking he was going to improve...
  19. :sml2: I know I know. I'll see how I feel about it in a weeks time. It will probably come out though. I'm considering thinning out the middle pieces of bogwood a little. Not drastically, just a minor rescape.
  20. Does anyone have any idea on how to get a dying fish to eat? The almost dead ember tetra I mentioned above is doing a bit better. I have him separated in a glass in the tank so he can relax (the lampeye tetra are bullies). The ember tetra still hasn't eaten anything although yesterday he did attempt to chase some food down. I realise that it might be a useless attempt, but I don't see why not to try. I'm not ready to buy expensive meds though.
  21. I've added some plants. Only a few days ago so no growth yet. The idea is the stargrass will float around the top corners. I will sell the lampeye tetra (someone buy them please!), and then buy more ember tetra. I've also added a very brown L010a Red whiptail. I haven't looked into it but may in fact not be a l010a? I'm now 70% certain I only have 1 bristlenose left. I haven't seen 2 at the same time since the first week that I got them, so I don't think the other is still around. You never know in a tank like this though. I have 6 Ember tetra, but 1 was given to me for free because I think its almost dead. Very skinny, floating at the surface and basically white. I don't expect it to survive, but if anyone knows any miracle cure, let me know! I'm not 100% on the hairgrass yet. I might thin it out a little more but I'm not sure.
  22. I just keep mine in under the tank. In one of the systemic(?) plastic boxes with big holes drilled in the lid. Works well.
  23. I think you're correct when you say its the dampness/acidity. Mine crawl out when its too wet. I just take off the lid and it dries out reasonably fast. Then everything is back to normal. But I could be wrong.
  24. Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. I think you're right disgustipated, a small Back ghost knife would be lovely... if only they stayed small. I won't get one for this tank. I might get some hatchet fish though, maybe 5 ish. But they are pricey, and I'll wait until everything else has arrived. Part of the enjoyment of the tank is "empty" space with no fish. But I think I could get a group of them. I have added the plant, but its still in emersed form. I will hopefully grow and just sit on the surface like small lily pads. I choose a boring looking plant because as you said hovmoller, a big feathery cabomba, or big sword wouldn't really belong. I'll update with photos later tonight. Even though the plant looks funny and even as they're each roughly 15cm cuttings.
  25. They're African though. Id like to stay with the South American theme.
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