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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Don't know if its been said yet, but: Credits mean NOTHING. You either fail, pass, or get an endorsement. That is all that counts. To any SMART employer, 80 achieved credits means exactly the same as 937485 achieved credits. Acheived, Merit, or excellence is all that matters.
  2. You'd want to look out with 2 of them though. They MAY fight.
  3. Any that wont get eaten. Mine only start eating tetra at about 20cm in size. They are really peaceful.
  4. Some evil fish took a bite out of one of my BGK a few weeks back, as it healed I saw a small white extension from where it was bitten. I figured it must be the end of the spine and I just ignored it. Today I had another look and it has definitely grown and is about 2 or 3 mm long. It is the same spoon shape as the tails usually are. Will it regrow? What is going on? Will update pictures later if I can get a good one.
  5. As long as there is bad service, there will be unhappy customers. As long as unhappy customers have internet access, these threads will never end.
  6. Hey! Its true. Black ghost knives will also shock their victims to death and over night your whole tank will be dead.
  7. They could have at least explained it like that. I find down here they are pretty clueless as well. Some are okay. But most.. idk.
  8. Besides having a very simple minded cat, you have a very nice tank.
  9. True. Get a decent number to spread aggression.
  10. More angels for a nice larger school. Forget lady friends. The fry will get eaten asap with angels in there.
  11. Not quite like human teeth. But more human like than fish like. Yes it is real.
  12. Remove water if necessary. Corner them. Use speed. Come from undernearth.
  13. Yeah. I will. If it comes back (Which I think it might) I will. I don't have a decent camera on me but IDK. Will update if I find any.
  14. Nope. Not at all. It is not smokey, it is not sediment and it is not fungus on left-overs. It is almost exactly like cyanobacteria. Very white, carpet like stuff on patches of sand and wood.
  15. Can't gravel vac cos its sand. Its not the same as the over feed mould. I'll grab a pic if it comes back, or if I see more.
  16. No. Its not sediment of any sort I'm pretty sure. It was almost exactly like cyano.
  17. :happy1: I have a fancy mac, and a crappy windows laptop. I'd prefer windows any day.
  18. Thats what I thought at first, but after 2 big WCs, probably over 100% they were still doing it...
  19. House was closed, someone novice came to feed all pets so not much can be expected. Have removed most of the white cobweb stuff and increased surface movement. Fish seem to be back to normal now. No DIY co2. Hopefully all goes well. Thanks.
  20. Definite lack of oxygen. Have added surface movement and removed a lot of the duckweed which was on top. (Probably prevented an algae bloom). This isn't algae I'm pretty sure. It's white. Almost like a cobweb. I would expect algae to be green from chlorophyll. I know cyanobacteria can cause these symptoms but I'm not sure if it is this because it is white. Which kinda contradicts the "cyan" in "cyanobacteria"...
  21. Definitely on. As said, they should only heat to what they're set at. 28* isn't that much of a big deal. Over about 30/31 is where it gets worrying.
  22. Came home from holiday to find fish breathing at the surface, water smells terrible (even though just a week without WC ) and everything overgrown. I figured, too much food WC should fix it all up. ... ... Nope. I did 1 big one that night asap. The fish seemed fine for a few minutes but before half an hour was up they were back at the surface. I left it for the night and in the morning did another large wc. Same thing happened except they don't seem to spend all their time up there... Glass was very dirty but I didn't clean it until this morning and I see what looks to be like cyanobacteria on the sand. Except it is white. Should I treat for cyano or am I dealing with something different. Light had been left on for the week as well... :facepalm: :evil:
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