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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. DennisP


    I've been told no. And I tend to agree. Small ones would be fine, but they grow fast and 270L isn't enough for 2.
  2. DennisP


    I too am in this position. Parents organize this girl to feed fish,rats,frog and everything else in the house. They do seem to survive (most of the time) but thats just luck I guess. An Idea for a sticky thread could be people putting down their names to offer experienced fish sitting.
  3. Line 1: Yes 2:Yes 3: More cories and Yes 4:Maybe 5:Probably not. You'd want more cories as they prefer groups and 2 would be rather lonely. I'd Go with the pencils or danios OR hatchetfish. Hatchetfish would be good because they occupy top of the tank. Danios do as well, but they are very fast and sometimes scary. Thats just my opinion anyway.
  4. No need to have an insulated one. Just a simple glass lid will keep a lot of water and heat in the tank.
  5. Basically just a glass sheet. A triangle bit cut out of the rear corners for cables. And a few extra slabs underneath to stop it from sliding off. Imho get emperor or rummynose tetra. I will get rummynoses once I can afford them. And probably a pair of Bristlenoses.
  6. Sand is much preferred by most fish I think. Agassizi are more expensive, but I have a pair in a 60cm tank. Make sure you have a spare tank if they breed though. Although in a community aggression should be spread about. In a small tank I'd prefer a small variety of fish. So just 1 type of tetra, rather than 3 or 4. 2 types should be okay i guess if they have a different enough shape. Hatchet fish May get a little big, but you could try with a few. Where are you in the country? I have a lid down here which I no longer use. This is my tank. Same size as yours.
  7. Should be fine. They manage a way. I have had my apisto's for about a month now. Never seen my female eat. But its still going strong...
  8. Didn't you just win this fish off TM a while ago nymox? Sorry for your loss. Was a nice fish from what I saw.
  9. Thats true. I get the feeling adding some schooling fish may make the tank look over crowded and too busy. Which I'm not a fan of. I like tanks where you see only a few fish first off, but the more you look, the more you find. The acara generally hang out at the top quite a bit when I'm looking at them so surface fish aren't too important. I considered some colourful plecos, but they're expensive.
  10. I'm thinking about adding either some bright red or yellow fish for some colour. Not too many, and not too big though. Suggestions? Maybe cocatoos or however you spell it...?
  11. Swords, driftwood, tetra. Problem solved. :lol:
  12. Wow. http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2010/06/cam ... ng-photos/
  13. I'll cut it short... Just noticed 1 of my serpae tetra is always swimming downwards. If it stops, it starts to float back up. Disease or defect/deformation? Dangerous to others or non contagious?
  14. It probably wont be tannins then. :lol: Water changes will get rid of the colour. Unless the colouring is still being produced by something. Just do a water change every day if you really want it gone.
  15. Wait, are we talking about touching or picking them up? If its touching, none (besides the obvious dangerous ones). I won't pick up fish though.
  16. Basically all fish that have a decent dorsal fin. Or any catfish. I'm scared of the spines they have/possibly have.
  17. Your gourami's will be carrying the disease, if they don't die, they will almost certainly infect anything else in the tank. have you treated the whole tank? I suggest more honey dwarfs, and then adding some rasbora, like harlequins or something.
  18. There isn't really that much to worry about, so you should be fine. The brown/yellow could be tannins. If you didn't pre soak your driftwood for at least a few days it most definitely is. They are harmless, its up to you whether you like the look. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get your water tested for any extremes, like pH, ammonia/nitrite/nitrate as you don't have any fish in there that will tell you by their behavior. Its also a good reference so you know how much it changes by. I think they carbon should take the tannins out btw. Not sure though.
  19. Yep... Its too much of a mish to get that algae off. I just leave it there...
  20. Update: Got bored with old set up, so I rescaped. I love tanks/scapes that mimic nature, and I also like scapes that have a lot of hiding places. I'm not 100% happy with this scape yet, I think it could be done better. With the driftwood I have, it is hard to get a good looking pile... Inhabitants are still: 2 fire mouths 3 blue acara 2 BGK 1 L190 And I have added 3 pictus catfish. Pictures: PS, 1 of my BGK always rests on the ground like he's sleeping. He's fine at night and when there is food in the tank... its a bit worrying though.
  21. When did you add it? They have to establish a decent root system befoer they start growing properly. The brown algae wont be helping either.
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