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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Thats what I'm thinking now too... Might invest in another one...
  2. Played around with the piping a little, and removed a possible leak. Shook the bottle and gave it a squeeze... and DIFFUSION!
  3. Airpump is broken, so I blew into the hose connected to it. No luck...
  4. I bought a diffuser off trademe for a DIY co2 kit, connected it yesterday evening and still no bubbles are getting through. The co2 was going for a week before I attached the diffuser, so I'm not waiting for a reaction. Do I need to wait longer for pressure to build up? Is there a leak? Is the diffuser faulty?
  5. I am considering a few DPs however I have no access to a freezer so frozen bloodworms are out of the question. I see from reading online that the average meal for a DP per day is about 2 or 3 bloodworms, so not that much at all which makes me wonder whether in a tank full of snails will the snails breed fast enough for the DPs not to wipe them out? Also what are people's experiences with feeding dried food? Pellets and Daphnia/worms etc?
  6. We have a lab/pointer cross (perhaps a few other things mixed in too...) Personality wise can get a bit aggressive but unsure if that is due to breed, or having a bad upbringing (adopted). Health wise he has had no major problems. Had a grass allergy when he was young and would get boils in between his toes, but again, I doubt it is a common trait among his breed. He is nine years old now, and going just as strong as when he was younger. Healthy dog, really fast, needs a lot of walks. HTH
  7. Its a desk lamp which I use because it puts out more light than the little LED that came with it. Would changing it to one of those eco-friendly, spiral-shaped, power-saver bulbs be much better?
  8. I thought that may have been the case. Thanks.
  9. That is my current set up at the moment. The lightbulb is a Philips 60W bulb. It doesn't look too bright as it is but I'm wondering as the WPL is 5 if that is a little too high and could cause problems (besides algae).
  10. Joe has put it well, Sand does look much nicer (in my opinion), but gravel is far more practical. I personally have used sand for quite a while, and still much prefer it. I haven't had any problems with it. You do suck up small amounts when siphoning, but when you siphon you can hold the end of the hose about an inch over the sand and it will only get waste and not sand. You can use Malaysian Trumpet Snails to help aerate and stop the sand from compacting as much, but snails can and often do take over a tank. Sand is very cheap. You can get playsand or (I had) "Fine Sand" from mitre 10 mega. Cost $8 for 20kg or something. It had a nice natural yellow look to it.
  11. Might go tropical again. More variety. Im in a hall though so that makes everything a bit harder....
  12. Are there any plants suitable for growing mostly emersed in a cold water tank? Tank: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=58395 I'm thinking something along the lines of a tall sword plant, but I'm not sure on the minimum temperatures etc.
  13. I'm back with my first tank since the June Earthquake which broke my last tank. This was a bit of an impulse buy on saturday and cost me $100. Tiny little tank, I almost Feel bad. Stock 4 Golden WCMM. 2 Have white spot and I have little faith as one looks very weak and the other has a bad case of WS. Scape is basically substrate, rocks and sticks from the Leith because I can't afford anything anymore.
  14. We have one about 6 years old. Its on its last legs, but it hanging in there,
  15. Well our eco teacher is useless. Our whole class failed a test and of course he blames the class because its obviously got nothing to do with his teaching ability....
  16. I was half watching TV once, as you do, and I swore I saw this fish. I was like So went on youtube and searched it up and sure enough.. Very random though :dunno:
  17. DennisP

    New tank

    Looks great! The hairgrass at the back could do with being a little thinker towards the top, I'm not sure how you're trimming it, or aiming for, but just a suggestion. Also Once the rotala (?) Gets bigger it will look great. Very nice. !drool:
  18. I wouldn't expect such a spike after only a few hours... how new is the tank? Was it due for its cycling spike?
  19. How over stocked was your tank???! I had a few fish in about 30L of water for 2 weeks and they were fine...
  20. There are plenty of DP threads on this forum. Use the search function.
  21. You could do a tank full of dwarf cichlids. Apistos, or Rams... Apisto Biotope?
  22. DennisP

    Hi :)

    Welcome. In the defence of the Fish shop workers here, I find most of them do know what they are talking about. There is however one notorious petstore chain which I will not mention who do often give false information. Also, a SPARKLING gourami would be perfect for a 22L tank. May have been the fish in question a year ago.
  23. Good for you p44... I finally like ur tank.. You should be proud.
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