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Everything posted by Neon

  1. Neon

    Dwarf Brag

    That's so cool - I didn't know we had them in NZ
  2. Do you have pics of your tanks please Navarre? they sound cool! :bounce:
  3. Wow that's a lot of rock! It looks cool. Thanks for the set-up log - I really like reading about other people's tanks
  4. haha I don't think I could pull that off though.
  5. I'm looking forward to this by-election being finished! I just had the second phone call tonight asking who I was going to vote for, after another phone survey on Friday :evil:
  6. I think I saw one of the electric yellows at HFF mt roskill holding yesterday. I hadn't seen that before - pretty cool!
  7. That would be cool thanks Poecilid - I'll see if they can. I was going to go to conference but accidentally booked a flight to Melbourne that weekend :oops:
  8. that looks great - surely you can't eat it all on your own! :lol:
  9. I second that! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  10. Hi Poecilid, Would you be willing to sell some and post at buyer's expense? Cheers, Sarah
  11. There was one for sale on trademe recently and I tried to buy it but I could quite bring myself to spend $50 on one plant, regardless of how nice it was
  12. Cool Looks like an awesome tank. How big is it? What fish do you keep in it, or is it plant only?
  13. is there a red lotus leaf in the bottom left corner?
  14. The sheep and the rooster were cute. Do you think they were keeping the sheep to eat it eventually though? Those ferals cats were really sad
  15. Nice red plants! Can you post a full tank shot please?
  16. I spend ages on that website looking at all the awesome planted tank setups!
  17. what about the large leafed version of Anubias nana?
  18. I have 4 neons left out of the 10 I bought at the start of last year. All my other types of tetras are going strong. I've euthanised 2; one had a tumour-like lump on the side. Once they stop being able to swim or eat I figure it's best to put them out of their misery. Wish I'd chosen a better user name now!
  19. I got there about 3.30 and there weren't even parks on the top level. Decided to give up and go home but then I managed to get one on the road outside.
  20. I just went to st lukes mall and wondered why it was so busy... :oops:
  21. sounds cool. do you have any photos of them? I get worried if my platys and guppies have too many babies as I worry about what I will do with them all! On the other hand I recently got some firemouth cichlids and feel bad as they seem to have eaten all the platy babies in that tank....
  22. What are you going to do with all those baby platies Cam?
  23. I don't know what to do sorry.... it sucks when fish are sick though eh?
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