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Everything posted by Ira

  1. ..........Because ipods don't escape into the wild, breed, kill and eat the native wildlife?
  2. Most good fish stores should have them, I think. I haven't actually bought one in ages.
  3. Lagunas are generally pretty good, not sure how they'll do in your price range though.
  4. Silicon quickly forms an oxide layer on the surface that protects it from corrosion. So it lasts practically forever, unfortunately that's not what we use for our tanks. Silicon Silicone
  5. Hmmm, So 13-14 cents/day, so about 4 bucks/month. Assuming the light is on 24 hours.
  6. This video is currently unavailable.
  7. Also Redwood. I bet others do too.
  8. Ira

    Heater upgrade.

    Changing heaters isn't going to decrease the amount of heating required. All resistive heaters are the same efficiency. 1 watt of electricity=1 watt of heat. The only differences you're going to get are price, reliability and accuracy. If you really wanted to increase efficiency you'll need some kind of heat pump setup.
  9. Generally if they not swimming around at the top of the tank gasping for air then you have enough. More circulation never hurts though.
  10. Rosellas. Don't see any of the native parrots often, unfortunately. Be awesome to have kakapos running around everywhere. Of course, they'd be need to be genetically engineered with giant teeth and claws to fight cats and dogs off with.
  11. Fish tend to brighten or darken depending on their surroundings. *Checks bins* Yup, bright white. Move them to a tank where they aren't surrounded by white plastic and they quickly get darker.
  12. I suspect he's already passed or failed that class given it was over a year ago.
  13. If you have no heating, and little filtration or lighting that might be. That's averaging about 9 watts?
  14. Nope, not usually. Especially not something as indestructable as java fern and moss. Nothing eats that.
  15. Bristlenose would be the standard suggestion, though they're an ancistrus not a pleco. Common plecs, redspots, goldspots etc are too big for that small tank. For the most part they don't eat plants either, but will quite happily swim through and uproot them.
  16. Yeah, no need for silicone unless it hasn't been properly glued together. Silicone doesn't stick very well to acrylic anyway, might just be more trouble than its worth.
  17. It does default to on. Maybe it should be renamed to "I am at work search"
  18. Now that I've gotta google when I get home :slfg:
  19. I had someone do that with my tank. The fish beerly survived.
  20. Ira

    Table Salt

    Keep in mind that your tank is, literally, made of silica which is the most common free flowing agent.
  21. I never had any significant fighting with my pearls that I noticed out of the 400ish of them.
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