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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Sanitizing is not a problem. Bleach and water mix does not remove copper that's been absorbed by the rock which is extremely toxic to invertebrates and will be released if put into a marine tank with thousands and thousands of dollars worth of very delicate invertabrates like corals, shrimp, anemones, etc.
  2. There are usually lots of people who do, but few that have the authority to actually do anything. NZ isn't a true democracy, never has been. It's at best a representative democracy. People don't vote on most issues, you just vote on who you want to have all the power and once they're in you have little say.
  3. Ira

    Sexing Gourami

    Well no wonder he's attacking her. That's why you take the female out as soon as she's laid the eggs. Because the male then sees her as a threat to the babies and will try to kill her.
  4. I don't know if that's true. Other than a bit of dark algae in cracks and crevices of rocks and wood, I don't have any algae in my tank. Not even above the water line where it's went but the plecs can't reach. I haven't cleaned my glass literally in years.
  5. If they're bloodworms why would you want to kill them all? Kinda like, "Hey guys I have free food, how do I get rid of it instead of eating it?"
  6. Ira

    Leopard fish

    Different status, I think. Just going by Biosecurity's website gambusia are officially an unwanted organism, catfish are not. Koi is an unwanted and a noxious organism. I can't find anything listing exactly what you're required to do with each status though.
  7. Ira

    Leopard fish

    I believe you're also not allowed to remove them from the waterway.
  8. Reptiles, like most animals, can't produce blue pigments I thought? Most blue animals create blues more complicated ways which I'd have thought would be much harder to randomly appear in a strain. Maybe you could try taking an albino bearded dragon and feed it large doses of colloidal silver to give it argyria? :slfg:
  9. Yeah, CF2700 would be good too. Toss up between if you want to have two for redundancy or one for simplicity.
  10. Ira

    Redundant parts?

    My experience has been the opposite, I've gone through 6-7, all failed off.
  11. Don't know how you got 144L, there's no simple way to do the math wrong and get 144. Those dimensions give you 432liters. So your 28L bucket would fit about 15 times.
  12. But in the real world spending thousands for the week or two you're gone every few years isn't a reasonable purchase.
  13. Yeah, that's too small for just about anything, goldfish(Which can grow huge) or tropical. You should upgrade to at least a medium sized tank. A 1200X600X600 is a good mid sized.
  14. I managed to wipe out $1-2000 worth of corals by incorrectly resetting the timer before leaving on vacation. Lights were on for 2 weeks straight, housesitter thought they were supposed to be on all the time.
  15. He's doing better, moving around more and more demanding for cuddles when we visit.
  16. Ira

    bristlenose fry

    Who said anything about big plecos?
  17. Ira

    bristlenose fry

    Or just skip the bristlenoses and go straight to the nice plecs. The pet shop in lower hutt has a nice gold nugget(I think) for sale...
  18. Yeah, unless you're too weak to even lift the filter then you can pull the top off a CF1200.
  19. I have a small webhosting account from angryhosting.com that I use, just FTP the photos and then link to it.
  20. You'd have to be stupid to do it that wrong... It's especially horrible when you get all those little chunks of algae or whatever blown into your mouth that filters always seem to release even after cleaning. And you have to run to the kitchen to spit it out because you forgot to grab a bucket.
  21. Yeah, I never use that stupid cap, or the priming pump thing on fluvals. All a waste of time and don't work, suck on the outlet, done. It doesn't get much easier or more effective.
  22. How are you trying to prime it? It shouldn't be that hard.
  23. Ira

    bristlenose fry

    Yup, real easy money. Sell a few hundred at that price over a year or so...Oh yeah, running the tanks and feeding all of them has only cost you about $2-3 each...
  24. BTW, Bridget says, "That's the way his face always looks."
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