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Everything posted by Ira

  1. They're a small, non-rhotic crustacean known for their accent lacking the R sound.
  2. My suggestion is always Severums. Reasonably good for a community tank, get to a nice size, pretty hardy. Not so good for planted though. And africans suck, good for wanting something else. :slfg:
  3. Aquakneadit. With purple dye. For 4 times the price.
  4. All the green stuff in there is. Echinodorus is the genus, I'm not sure of the exact species. All the other plants were plucked from those long stems and planted in the sand. (Actually, in pots of dalton's aquatic mix) That was a few months ago, I've left all the stalks since then and have 7 I think each with a few new plants growing on them all over the tank.
  5. If they were too simple they'd be named Known Snails.
  6. Yup, that's the biggest options. Silicone and aqua kneadit. Superglue gel may also work if you have good surfaces to glue together, but given rocks are pretty irregular surfaces that isn't likely.
  7. I'm kinda liking my some kind of echinodorus(I'm told) Clearly not hard to keep, because it's not dead. And not bad for maintenance.
  8. Not in my experience unless you're colorblind and can't see the whole blue and yellow make green thing :sml2: But putting a rubber band around the top is probably more secure if they get squished a bit so it doesn't pop open.
  9. Yeah, it's great for trapping garbage. And for coming loose, clogging the filter and killing most of your fish while you're on vacation. :tears:
  10. Whatever size you can easily get. I think something like 10mm is the most common? The thickness is pretty unimportant, it's just there to absorb any point loads like seams, bumps, debris, etc in the top of the stand.
  11. Ira

    Clown Loaches

    Clown loaches are normally fat fish. Sounds like yours are normal.
  12. Then I suggest not getting any cichlids...
  13. I just pour it straight in and who cares if some gravel gets blown around?
  14. I don't think the cycling would be an issue if your ammonia and nitrite are 0. My guess would be, How did you acclimate it to the new tank? Many people seem to completely skip or barely acclimate fish. I've found acclimating slowly over a few hours makes a HUGE difference in deaths. I float fish in a bag in the tank and add a small scoop of water every 15 minutes or so until I get really bored or it's time to turn the lights out, usually 5-6 hours.
  15. Does he have an appropriate tank for it?
  16. Is he eating it or sifting it for food?
  17. What do you mean by won't cycle on and off properly? And ignore the markings on the side of the heater. I've never had one that came within 2-3 degrees of accurate. They're good for nothing more than getting the temp vaguely close. Including the almighty jagers.
  18. To scratch around eating things in my garden. :an!gry
  19. No you don't. You need two nearly chickens.
  20. Just about every tropical fish will be fine in your tank. So, you've got a few hundred options. Best to go to your LFS and see what you like then look them up.
  21. That's a novel way to crack your tank...
  22. Hahaa...no. Police have a very poor hit rate at the best of times. In the region of missing 8 to 9 times out of 10. Larger shootouts that would be even worse.
  23. It does for nice cichlid tank like SA/CA cichlids.
  24. I'd dunk, swish and squeeze all the crap I can out of it. But I was mine under the kitchen tap so have a good supply of clean water.
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